Kategorie-Archiv: Jobbik

Kertész to be honored in Hungary

Kertész to be honored in Hungary

20 August is, of course, Szent István ünnepe in Hungary — St. Stephen’s Day, the big national holiday — and among the honors the state hands out none is higher than the (revived) Magyar Szent István Rend — the Hungarian Order of St. Stephen. And word is the eminently worthy Kertész Imre is to be so honored this year. Good job !
Of course, this being present-day Hungary, the choice is, for some, controversial. And so, as Politics.hu reports, Jobbik protests planned state award to Kertész. Yes, the party that won twenty per cent of the vote in the most recent election, has written an open letter to the president, complaining, for example, that Kertész: „failed to use the international attention attracted by his Nobel Prize to promote his country“ and:

According to Jobbik, Kertesz does not deserve a Hungarian state award and if Ader decorates him „it will cause indignation among a wide spectrum of society.“




Dummheit ist, wenn jemand nicht weiß, was er wissen könnte.

Political correctness ist, wenn man aus Feigheit lügt, um Dumme nicht zu verärgern, die die Wahrheit nicht hören wollen.

Antisemitismus ist, wenn man Juden, Israel übelnimmt, was man anderen nicht übelnimmt.

Wahnsinn bedeute, immer wieder das Gleiche zu tun, aber dabei stets ein anderes Resultat zu erwarten

Wenn ein Affe denkt, „ich bin ein Affe“, dann ist es bereits ein Mensch

Ein Mensch mit Wurzeln soll zur Pediküre gehen.

Gutmenschen sind Menschen, die gut erscheinen wollen, die gewissenlos das Gewissen anderer Menschen zu eigenen Zwecken mit Hilfe selbst inszenierter Empörungen instrumentalisieren.


Stupidity is demonstrated by people lacking knowledge they could achieve.

Political correctness can be defined as the telling of a lie out of the cowardice attempt to avoid upsetting fools unwilling to face the truth.

Antisemitism is when one blames Jews or Israel for issues, he does not blame others.

Craziness is, when one always does the same but expects different outcome.

If a monkey thinks “I am a monkey”, then it is already a human.

A man with roots should go for a pedicure.

Gutmenschen (benevolent people) are those who intend to appear good-hearted, yet unscrupulously exploit the conscience of others to serve their own purposes via self-staged outrage.




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