Kategorie-Archiv: ISIS

Der Krieg in Syrien wäre längst beendet, würden Saudi-Arabien, Ka­tar, die Türkei und der Westen Terroristen („gemäßigt Rebellen“, „Aufständische“) ausrüsten und unterstützen

Für Politiker und Journalisten im Westen ist es ein klarer Fall: Solange Baschar Assad Präsident bleibt, sei eine Lösung der Syrien-Krise unmöglich. Gerade in Aleppo zeige sich einmal mehr, wie brutal er gegen seine eigenen Bürger vorgehe. Die Schlacht um die geteilte Stadt ist ein «game changer», ein entscheidender Moment im Krieg um Syrien. Wer in Aleppo siegt, wird auch den Bürgerkrieg gewinnen. Deshalb wird der Krieg um die zweitgrösste Stadt Syriens mit einer besonders radikalen Grausamkeit geführt. Viele machen dafür Assad verantwortlich.

In der Tat: Assad ist ein brutaler Herrscher. Den tödlichen Umgang mit internen Feinden hat er von seinem Vater Hafiz gelernt. Dieser war im Februar 1982 in Hama grausam gegen Islamisten vorgegangen, denen er vorwarf, sein ­Regime stürzen zu wollen. Damals töteten syrische Soldaten 10 000 bis 40 000 Bürger der Stadt.

Während des Massakers von Hama war Baschar siebzehn Jahre alt. Früh hat er somit das Credo seines Vaters verinnerlicht, dass für die Bewahrung des Regimes alle Mittel heilig seien. Das Massaker war, für die Assads, erfolgreich. Die nächsten drei Jahrzehnte waren sie unbestrittene Herrscher. Nahtlos konnte die Diktatur vom Vater auf den Sohn übergehen.

Man mag Assad für vieles hart kritisieren und als verantwortunglosen Rabiat-Politiker verurteilen. Aber der Untergang seines Regimes wäre ein Gewinn für die Feinde des Westens, für Dschihadisten und Islamisten aller möglichen Couleurs. Assad weiss sich deshalb in einer starken Position. Selbst für US-Präsident Barack Obama, der ihn als Hindernis auf dem Weg zum Frieden sehe, sei der Kampf gegen den Terror wichtiger als das Ende des syrischen Regimes, liess sich Assad neulich in einem Interview zitieren. Dass er gegen Terroristen kämpfe, die syrische Gebiete erobert hätten, sei doch legitim, meint er. Er wolle jeden Inch seines Territoriums zurückgewinnen, das er an seine Gegner verloren habe, sagte er Mitte Juli in einem Gespräch mit NBC. Es sei schliesslich international üblich, dass die Souveränität eines Landes respektiert werden müsse – weshalb das im Fall Syriens nicht gelten solle, wollte er wissen.

Assad verheimlicht in Interviews nicht, dass er ohne Unterstützung aus Moskau und Teheran in einer sehr schwachen Position wäre.Vor allem das Eingreifen Russlands zu seinen Gunsten habe ihm militärische Erfolge über seine Widersacher ermöglicht. Sein Sieg liege schliesslich auch im Interesse Russlands, «da wir dieselbe Art von Terroristen bekämpfen.» Letztlich, betont er immer wieder, müsste daran auch dem Westen gelegen sein. Seine Armee gehe entschlossen gegen Terrormilizen von al-Qaida, dem IS oder al-Nusra vor.

Der Krieg, so Assad, wäre längst beendet, würden nicht Länder wie Saudi-Arabien, Ka­tar, die Türkei und sogar der Westen Terroristen ausrüsten und unterstützen, die gegen ihn kämpfen. Sobald diese Staaten den Terroristen die Unterstützung verweigern, wäre der Krieg «in ein paar Monaten» vorbei. Gegenüber einem australischen TV-Journalisten bezeichnete Assad den Ausweg aus der humanitären Krise deshalb als «einfach». Voraussetzung wäre lediglich, dass man die logistische Hilfe an Terroristen einstelle.

Das «Chaos in Syrien» könnte sich mit Leichtigkeit von seinem Land auf den Nahen Osten und auf Europa ausweiten, warnt Assad in ­Interviews und empfiehlt sich gleichzeitig als Stabilitätsfaktor. Falls Europa Syrien – er meint sein ­Regime – verteidige, würden die Europäer gleichzeitig auch ihren eigenen Inter­essen dienen.

They are no refugees, stupid, but islamofascism invaders!

Cui Xinyu/Xinhua/Corbis Egyptians attending a vigil at the Giza pyramids, near Cairo, for the victims of the recent attacks—claimed by ISIS—on Paris, Beirut, and the Russian passenger jet that exploded over the Sinai Peninsula, November 15, 2015


Strategists will tell you that it is a mistake to fight the battle your enemies want you to fight. You should impose your strategy on them, not let them impose theirs on you. These lessons apply to the struggle with the leaders of ISIS. We have applied pressure upon them in Syria; they have replied with atrocious attacks in Ankara, Beirut, and now Paris. They are trying to provoke an apocalyptic confrontation with the Crusader infidels. We should deny them this opportunity.

ISIS wants to convince the world of the West’s indifference to the suffering of Muslims; so we should demonstrate the opposite. ISIS wants to drag Syria ever further into the inferno; so ending the Syrian war should become the first priority of the Obama administration’s final year in office. Already Secretary of State John Kerry has brought together the Russians, Iranians, and Saudis to develop the outlines of a transition in Syria. Sooner rather than later, no matter how difficult this may prove, the meetings in Vienna will have to include representatives of the Syrian regime and non-ISIS Syrian fighters. The goal would be to establish a ceasefire between the regime and its opponents, so that the fight against ISIS can be waged to a conclusion and displaced Syrians can return home. Destroying the ISIS project to establish a caliphate will not put an end to jihadi nihilism, but it will decisively erode ISIS’s ideological allure.

A successful campaign against nihilism will have to resist nihilism itself. If, as Gilles Kepel, a French specialist on Islam, has argued, ISIS is trying to provoke civil war in France, then the French state must not deploy tactics that will lose it the loyalty of its most vulnerable and susceptible citizens.1 Detention without trial, mass deportations, harsh physical interrogations, sealing borders, ending free circulation of people in Europe: all these tactics—proposed by the right-wing demagogue Marine Le Pen—will tempt French and other European authorities, but they are disastrous as a strategy. A successful campaign against Islamic extremism should deepen, not undermine, allegiance toward liberté, égalité, fraternité, especially among Muslim citizens.

ISIS strategy also seeks to make Europeans think of refugees as potential security threats rather than the victims that they are. It is of some importance that ISIS not succeed in its aim of spreading strategic disinformation. It has had some success. Before the Paris attacks, the Swedish government had begun to close its borders. After the attacks, the Polish government announced that it wouldn’t accept the nine thousand refugees the EU had allocated to Poland for resettlement. A Syrian passport was found near the body of one of the suicide bombers at the Stade de France, and this discovery pointed a finger of suspicion at other refugees. If ISIS planted the passport, it had reason to do so.2 It does not want Europe to give a home to anyone fleeing its caliphate.

So far, more than a few European leaders have seen through the ISIS campaign of strategic disinformation. The head of the European Commission and the speaker of the European Parliament have declared that Europe must not allow ISIS to dictate the terms of its refugee policy. American state governors and Republican candidates for president, on the other hand, have been calling for a ban on Syrian refugees in the US. This is fear masquerading as prudence. Canada, Australia, and Britain, countries that have been attacked by terrorists, have not backed away from their commitment to take Syrian refugees, and the US shouldn’t either. To bar refugees from US borders would allow the enemy to dictate the terms of the battle. The US has every reason—moral, humanitarian, and strategic—to refuse to give in to fear and to continue to provide refuge for those escaping barbarism.


The Paris attacks make it easy to forget a scandalous fact: 3,329 people have died trying to cross the Mediterranean to Europe so far this year. Still more are drowning every week. They are drowning in sight of the island of Lesbos in Greece or off the Italian island of Lampedusa. Others are dying trapped inside refrigerator trucks on the roadside in Austria; they are dying inside the Channel Tunnel, trying to reach Great Britain; as the winter darkens, some may die of exposure on the trek up through the Balkans. Later generations will ask how European leaders let this happen.

Hannah Arendt, exiled in 1933, stripped of her German citizenship in 1937, later taking flight from Vichy France and finally reaching New York in 1941, also wondered how Europe had betrayed the stateless in her own time. In 1948, in The Origins of Totalitarianism, she observed that it was citizenship that gives human beings the “right to have rights.” As for stateless persons, she concluded, they ought to have rights simply because they are human, but her own experience had taught her a different lesson:

If a human being loses his political status, he should, according to the implications of the inborn and inalienable rights of man, come under exactly the situation for which the declarations of such general rights provided. Actually the opposite is the case. It seems that a man who is nothing but a man has lost the very qualities which make it possible for other people to treat him as a fellow-man.3

The passage of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, the Refugee Convention in 1951, and the European Convention on Human Rights in 1953 was supposed to give the stateless the right to have rights. States who signed these documents were not allowed to let stateless people drown in their waters and were not supposed to send them back home if they were likely to be tortured; they were entitled to a hearing to make their claim to stay. Anyone, in the words of the Refugee Convention, who fled a “well-founded fear of being persecuted” had a right to claim refuge in any country that ratified the convention. Thanks to the human rights revolution after 1945, Europe thought it had proven Arendt wrong. Now that we have seen a dead toddler face down, washed up on the gravel of a Turkish beach, Arendt may have been right after all.

The Refugee Convention of 1951 has been overwhelmed by the reality of 2015. The 11 million people who have fled Syria are not, for the most part, fleeing literally from the Refugee Convention’s “well-founded fear of being persecuted.” They are fleeing violent death: from Assad’s barrel bombs, Russian and American air strikes, ISIS beheadings, militia murders and persecution. The UN authorized a new doctrine in 2005—the responsibility to protect (R2P)—that mandates state intervention when a tyrant like Assad makes war on his own citizens, but R2P is a dead letter in Syria.

A safe zone on the Turkish border, protected by air cover and ground troops, could have sheltered displaced populations, but nobody except the Kurds provided the necessary troops for doing this; so protecting the displaced inside Syria has ceased to be a workable option. As for a cease-fire that would allow civilian populations to return to government-held and rebel-held territory, this remains a cruel mirage. Resettlement elsewhere is the only practical policy for the foreseeable future.

When the drowned child on the Turkish beach appeared on American television screens in September, seventy-two House Democrats, fourteen Democratic senators, and a few Republicans aligned with the USA Refugee Council and other American resettlement agencies to urge the president to take in Syrian refugees. His response—raising the Syrian refugee quota to 10,000, then 15,000—satisfied no one. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has identified 130,000 Syrian refugees in camps in Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan who need permanent refuge in other countries because they are uniquely vulnerable—orphans, for example, or badly injured victims of torture or recent attack—and the UNHCR has asked the US to take half of them, in other words, 65,000 people. The administration replies that it will take eighteen to twenty-four months to process anyone; everyone must be vetted at least twice so no terrorist sleeper cells slip through; and besides, America has already done enough: it contributes the lion’s share—$450 million—to the UNHCR’s funding needs in Syria.

Before the Paris attacks, polls said Americans were in favor of helping refugees. In the wake of the attacks, it is safe to assume that this is no longer the case. Taking its cue from the public, the Obama administration is likely to keep on treating Europe’s refugee crisis as if it were chiefly Angela Merkel’s responsibility.

This is a political error as well as a moral mistake. If it fails to offer Chancellor Merkel tangible support by taking in refugees itself, the United States weakens Merkel domestically and hastens her downfall. By taking so few Syrian refugees—the US has admitted only 1,854 since 2012—while its European allies flounder in the face of the flood of humanity, the US is strengthening the anti-American, antiimmigration populist right wing across the Continent. If US inaction hastens the arrival to power in France of reactionary anti-American demagogues like Marine Le Pen, the Obama administration will share some of the blame. US solidarity with Europe always matters but it matters especially now that Russia is challenging Europe’s eastern borders. By failing to assist Europe, the president allows Eastern European leaders like Hungary’s Viktor Orbán to drift ever closer to the Russian orbit and to disseminate Vladimir Putin’s repulsive fiction of a Christian Europe beset by Muslim hordes.

Americans may still feel the refugee crisis is none of their business, but Europeans increasingly feel otherwise—and so do the refugees. The human flight from Syria is a mass plebiscite on the failure of US and Western policy in the Levant. Syrians have reached the conclusion that the US–Saudi– Gulf State proxy war to upend Assad has failed; that their country will burn down to the waterline before Assad ever leaves; that peace will not return before their children are grown up; and that even if peace does come there will be nothing to return to in Homs, Kobanî, or Aleppo.

Mashid Mohadjerin/Redux Refugees and migrants waiting to cross the border from Greece to Macedonia, October 2015

Syrians are now leaving refugee camps in Jordan and Lebanon where the World Food Program e-card ration is down to 50 cents a day, and where the UNHCR Syria appeal is 50 percent underfunded; their cell phones told them instantly in late August that Germany was waiving visa requirements and so they are heading for the north. It is not madness but political despair that leads mothers and fathers to risk the drowning of their children in a bid for safety and a new life.

They are flooding into a Germany torn between wanting to demonstrate, in the warmth of its welcome, that it has overcome its tormented past, and wondering how to cope with the unstoppable flow. The US cannot afford to let the gap with Germany widen still further. Germans have good reason to believe that while they are bearing the consequences of the collapse of Syria, it is America that bears responsibility for its causes. Even former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has admitted that the rise of ISIS and the disintegration of Syria figure among the catastrophic consequences of the US invasion of Iraq in 2003.4

Chancellor Merkel cannot have anticipated what she brought upon herself by opening Germany’s borders, and she must have been astonished by the speed with which hope travels along the migration path by cell phone. When a Time magazine photographer asked refugees to show him their most precious possession, many showed him their cell phone. Now that migrant and refugee chains are technologically empowered, the flood, often guided by professional smugglers, will find a way around every new barrier put in its path.

In the processing centers the Germans have set up in disused army barracks (I visited one north of Munich in late October) exhausted public employees and volunteers are trying to separate out bona fide refugees—most of the Syrians by and large—from migrants from less tormented places. Kosovars, Albanians, Serbs, Macedonians, and Montenegrins will be sent back, but so also will Pakistanis, Afghans, Somalis, Eritreans, even Libyans.

Merkel risks losing power if she cannot show that she has her borders under control. She has refused, thus far, to seal her frontiers with razor wire, and she has refused, crucially, to put an upper ceiling on the number of refugee claims that Germany will process. Both decisions are admirable, but her political survival depends on swift but lawful repatriation to safe third countries of those who fail to qualify. In other countries too, the political legitimacy of refugee resettlement depends on adjudicated repatriation of economic migrants. Yet case-by-case decisions about who is a migrant and who is a refugee are bound to be arbitrary. Afghans, Libyans, and Somalis will also claim they are fleeing violent death and it may prove impossible to send them back.

The Refugee Convention regime of 1951 is no longer adequate, since, as has been said, most refugees are not fleeing a well-founded fear of being persecuted, as the convention calls it, but a well-founded fear of violent death in states torn apart by civil war or terrorized by tyrants. The world badly needs a new migratory regime—based around an internationally authorized biometric ID card, with a date of permitted entry and a mandatory exit—that legalizes migratory flows from south to north, so that southern countries benefit from the remittances sent home and northern ones benefit from the labor and ingenuity their aging populations need.

The flood of peoples—the International Organization for Migration (IOM) estimates there are 60 million displaced in the world, up from 40 million in 2000—lays bare a new reality. In the cold war order of tyranny, closed borders and limited communications combined to keep victims of human rights abuse locked up in the same country with their oppressors. Now, in the age of open borders and free exit, people are flowing out, and with them, the saving distance that kept zones of danger apart from zones of safety has collapsed. Nations in the north that fail to invest in the stability of their neighbors in the south can expect to see the people of the south—and terrorists too—on their doorsteps.

The Europeans have just announced additional billions of aid to African states to strengthen their border controls, improve their human rights, and fortify their institutions. Development assistance now has a powerful new motive: migration control. This motive ought to be shaping US policy in the migration-sending countries near its borders: Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala. So far the US has done little to address the causes—state failure, gang violence, and a stratospheric murder rate—that produce the ongoing surge of child migrants from these countries.

Instead of stabilizing failing societies before desperate refugees start arriving, the US reaction has been to make it harder for refugees to get in. The US accepts large numbers of immigrants as permanent residents (about a million a year) while throttling back the number of refugees. The admissions of refugees plummeted after September 11 and are only now recovering to about 70,000 annually. After the Paris attacks, security concerns may result in cutting back US refugee admissions still further, even when the facts suggest that the security concerns are manageable. According to the Migration Policy Institute in Washington, since September 11 the US has taken in 784,000 refugees and of these only three have been arrested subsequently on terrorismrelated charges.5

Fear makes for bad strategy. A better policy starts by remembering a better America. In January 1957, none other than Elvis Presley sang a gospel tune called “There Will Be Peace in the Valley” on The Ed Sullivan Show to encourage Americans to welcome and donate to Hungarian refugees. After the 1975 collapse of South Vietnam, President Ford ordered an interagency task force to resettle 130,000 Vietnamese refugees; and later Jimmy Carter found room in America for Vietnamese boat people. In 1999, in a single month, the US processed four thousand Kosovar refugees through Fort Dix, New Jersey.

These examples show what can be done if the president authorizes rapid refugee clearance in US military installations, and if the US were to process and repatriate refugees directly from the frontline states of Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey. As Gerald Knaus of the European Stability Initiative has been urging since September, direct processing in the camps themselves will cut down on deaths by drowning in the Mediterranean. If Europe and the United States show them a safe way out, refugees won’t take their chances by paying smugglers using rubber dinghies.6

The Obama administration should say yes to the UNHCR appeal to settle 65,000 refugees on an expedited basis. Refugee agencies across the United States—as well as religious communities from all faiths—have said they will take the lead in resettlement and integration. If the Liberal government in Canada can take in 25,000 refugees directly from Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan, and process their security clearance at Canadian army bases, the US can do the same with 65,000.

Taking 65,000 people will only relieve a small portion of a refugee flow of 4.1 million, but it is an essential political gesture designed to encourage other allies—Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Argentina—and other immigrant countries to do their part. The strategic goal is to relieve the pressure on the three frontline states. Refugee resettlement by the US also acknowledges a fact that the refugees themselves are trying to tell us: even if peace eventually comes to their tormented country, there will be no life for all of them back home.

Once the US stops behaving like a bemused bystander, watching a neighbor trying to put out a fire, it can then put pressure on allies and adversaries to make up the shortfall in funding for refugee programs run by the UNHCR and the World Food Program. One of the drivers of the exodus this summer was a sudden reduction in refugee food aid caused by shortfalls in funding. Even now these agencies remain short of what they need to provide shelter and food to the people flooding out of Syria.

Now that ISIS has brought down a Russian aircraft over Sinai and bombed civilians in Paris, Beirut, and Ankara, the US needs to use its refugee policy to help stabilize its allies in the region. The presumption that it can sit out the refugee crisis makes a hugely unwise bet on the stability of Jordan, where refugees amount to 25 percent of the total population; and Lebanon, where largely Sunni refugees, who have hardly any camps, are already destabilizing the agonizingly fragile multiconfessional order; and Turkey, where the burdens of coping with nearly two million refugees are driving the increasingly authoritarian Erdo an regime into the arms of Vladimir Putin.

It’s time for the US to call the bluff of China and Russia, its fellow members of the Security Council, and remind them that if they want to be taken seriously as global leaders, they should pay their dues. The Chinese have done little or nothing for refugee relief in the Middle East, and the Russians are energetically creating more refugees with their bombing campaign while contributing a paltry $300,000 to the UNHCR Syria appeal. As for the Saudis, the richest state in the region, they have contributed less than $3 million.

A US strategy should start from the understanding that the refugees present a national security challenge as much as a humanitarian crisis and that helping Europe deal with them is critical to the battle against jihadi nihilism. If Europe closes its borders, if the frontline states can no longer cope, the US and the West will face millions of stateless people who will never forget that they were denied the right to have rights. In a battle against extremism, giving hope to desperate people is not charity: it is simple prudence. These national interests demand that a ceasefire in Syria become as important for the administration as the Iran deal.

There is no higher priority for the last year of Obama’s presidency. Taking in 65,000 refugees supports the most generous of the Europeans—Germany and Sweden—and helps them shame the worst. Giving assistance to the frontline states—Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey—with their refugee burden helps to preserve what stability remains in the region and rebuts the presumption that the US has abandoned them. In a war against jihadi nihilism, in a world of collapsing states and civil war, a refugee policy that refuses to capitulate to fear belongs at the center of any American and European strategy.

November 18, 2015

1 Gilles Kepel, “L’État islamique cherche à déclencher une guerre civile,” Le Monde, November 14, 2015. 

2 Patrick Kingsley, “Why Syrian Refugee Passport Found at Paris Attack Scene Must Be Treated with Caution,” The Guardian, November 15, 2015. 

3 Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism (Harcourt, 1968), p. 300. 

4 Jethro Mullen, “Tony Blair Says He’s Sorry for Iraq War ‘Mistakes,’ But Not for Ousting Saddam,” CNN.com, October 26, 2015. 

5 Kathleen Newland, “The US Record Shows Refugees Are Not a Threat,” Migration Policy Institute, October 2015. 

6 “Why People Don’t Need to Drown in the Aegean—ESI Policy Proposal Summary,” European Security Initiative, September 17, 2015. 

Wie man islamofaschistischen Terrorismus erfolgreich bekämpft – the israeli way

Von Marko Martin


Was für ein schrecklicher Zufall! Ausgerechnet am Tag der Beerdigung von André Glucksmann wurde Paris zum Tatort terroristischen Massenmords. Der antitotalitäre Philosoph – unermüdlicher Warner und liebenswerter Mensch zugleich – hatte es zeitlebens freilich eher mit dem Konkreten und misstraute weihevoller Reflexion.

Also kein barmendes Händeringen, sondern noch einmal die kühle, die lebensrettende Frage, die sich durch Glucksmanns Werk zieht: Da wir uns nicht auf alle Details des Guten einigen, wie können wir zumindest dem Bösen widerstehen, uns auf den kleinsten gemeinsamen Nenner humaner Würde verständigen? “Man darf niemals zögern, seine Verwunderung zum Ausdruck zu bringen.”

Es hat deshalb nichts von Besserwisserei, wenn man fragt, weshalb die auf Bahnhöfen und Flughäfen doch gemeinhin so hyper-maskulin auftretenden französischen Sicherheitsbehörden (nicht nur) am Freitag derart unvorbereitet waren. Zwar gibt es nirgendwo absoluten Schutz. Aber es existieren Möglichkeiten und praktikable Ideen, und ein Land, das diese zum Wohl seiner Bewohner seit Jahrzehnten umsetzt, ist Israel.

Israelische Araber haben volles Bürger- und Wahlrecht

Hiesige Kritiker, konservative Kulturalisten und progressive Bedenkenträger, seien an dieser Stelle gebeten, einmal kurz die Empörungsluft anzuhalten. Denn wir sprechen nicht von der Besatzung der Palästinensergebiete. Wir schauen auf das demokratische Kern-Israel – und auf seine zwanzig Prozent arabischen Staatsbürger.

Zwanzig Prozent in einem Staat von der Größe des Bundeslandes Hessen! Ginge es nach der Scheinlogik von AfD (Link: http://www.welt.de/148930550) und Front National, würde die Terrorgefahr proportional zur Zahl im Lande lebender Araber steigen. Umso mehr Israel ja tatsächlich von Feinden umzingelt ist und viele seiner arabischen Bürger – in der Mehrheit Muslime – verwandtschaftliche Bindungen über die Grenzen haben, was auch für die Tausenden Drusen und Beduinen gilt.

Weshalb aber finden sich unter ihnen kaum terroristische Gewalttäter? Es gibt dafür mindestens zwei Erklärungen. Die erste ist eine eher “linke”: Israelische Araber haben volles Bürger- und Wahlrecht, müssen jedoch, um Loyalitätskonflikte zu vermeiden, nicht zur Armee – können aber in der Tsahal dienen, manche sogar bereits im Offiziersrang.

Seit jeher gilt die Formel “Respekt und Wachsamkeit”

Arabischstämmige hohe Richter und Verwaltungsbeamte wird man in Israel ebenso finden wie Parlamentsabgeordnete, die dort in der Knesset wie die Rohrspatzen schimpfen und reale oder auch nur eingebildete Diskriminierungen anklagen. Denn das Bild ist keineswegs rosig, und wer auf dem Weg vom multi-ethnisch vibrierenden Haifa hinunter in die Hightech- und Partymetropole Tel Aviv fährt, kommt an arabischen Orten vorbei, gegenüber denen sogar die tristeste Pariser Banlieue Luxus und Eleganz versprüht.

Liegt es daran, dass Israels Regierungen den arabisch besiedelten Orten weniger Unterstützung zukommen lassen als den jüdischen Städten und Dörfern? Oder ist nicht auch arabisches Clanwesen – jahrtausendealte Travestie des Gemeinwohlsinns – dafür mitverantwortlich, dass man stecken bleibt? Immerhin: Das Thema wird diskutiert, auf hebräisch und arabisch, das Israels zweite Amtssprache ist. Inklusion und soziale Teilhabe werden also als Faktoren gesellschaftlichen Friedens anerkannt und nicht kleingeredet.

Andererseits – und das wäre jetzt die eher “rechte” Erklärung und sie führt uns zurück nach Paris – gilt in Israel seit jeher die Formel “Respekt und Wachsamkeit”. Konkret: Der Inlandsgeheimdienst Schin Bet verlässt sich trotz all seiner hochprofessionellen und hackerfähigen Computerexperten nicht wie europäische Sicherheitsdienste hauptsächlich auf die (virtuellen) Möglichkeiten des Elektronischen/Digitalen.

Undercover-Agenten in den Dörfern

Noch konkreter: Es ist ein offenes Geheimnis, dass “arabische Nachbarschaften” infiltriert sind und ein effektives Frühwarnsystem existiert. Ob es in allen Fällen flächendeckend ist, muss bezweifelt werden – es genügt bereits die plausible Vermutung. Bürgerrechtsliberale werden an dieser Stelle wahrscheinlich aufschreien, doch dient die Undercover-Präsenz und jenes Geflecht aus erhorchten und gekauften Informationen einem fundamentalen Wert: Dem Menschenrecht auf physische Unversehrtheit, der Frühwarnung vor durchgeknallten Nihilisten.

Um mehr als Security geht es dabei nicht, schon gar nicht um eine Manipulation der politischen Präferenz. Hätten nämlich andernfalls Israels Araber einst mitten im Kalten Krieg für die moskautreue KP votieren können, wäre dann heute ihre keineswegs zionismusfreundliche “Vereinte Liste” aus den letzten Wahlen mit 10,6 Stimmenprozent hervorgegangen, mit 13 Abgeordneten im Parlament vertreten?

Gleichzeitig gibt es am Flughafen wie auch in Stadien, Läden, Bars und Klubs durchaus “ethnic profiling”, das potenzielle Terroristen ebenso abschreckt wie es mitunter auch unbescholtene Bürger demütigt. Ein weiterer Widerspruch, der auszuhalten und zu diskutieren ist, aber wer müsste sich ihm nicht spätestens seit letztem Freitag stellen – auch hier in Europa? Noch einmal André Glucksmann: “Das Prinzip des Nicht-Widerspruchs spielt im Wissen die Rolle, die das Prinzip des Bösen in der Moral spielt.”

Hippiehaftes Laissez-faire

Es gibt jedoch eine Pointe – und sie wird wiederum die europäischen Rechten irritieren: Der Hardcore-Professionalität im Sicherheitssektor entspricht ein geradezu hippiehaftes laissez-faire im Gesellschaftlichen. Die israelischen Araber fremdeln mit der “zionistischen Identität”? So what. Wer als Besucher in Haifa oder Tel Aviv durch die Gassen der Stoffhändler stromert, hat dennoch oft Mühe, die hier für Hochzeits- oder Geburtsfeiern einkaufenden Frauen zu unterscheiden: Araberinnen, die ebenso offensiv Kopftuch tragen wie religiöse Jüdinnen. Sind sie die Mütter und zukünftigen Großmütter von “Kopftuchmädchen”, um an die seltsame Sarrazin-Diktion zu erinnern? Vielleicht.

Vielleicht aber auch nicht, schließlich sind in Israels Universitäten emanzipierte arabische Studentinnen keine Seltenheit. Bliebe noch die alteuropäische Klage, erst der liberale Hedonismus habe unseren Kontinent geschwächt, “Parallelgesellschaften” entstehen lassen und Terror ermöglicht.

Nu, möchte man da lässig antworten, und noch einmal auf die ausgeflippte Hochsicherheitszone Tel Aviv verweisen: Am dortigen, von einer Mauer umgebenen Strand der Ultraorthodoxen kommt es in lauen Sommernächten zu einem allseits bekannten Publikumswechsel und der Ort wird zum vergnügten Kollektivareal, wo jüdisch-arabisch-auswärtig das stattfindet, was die libertären Franzosen so hinreißend la petite mort nennen. Eine Kombination, die Menschenleben rettet: Respekt und Wachsamkeit, robuste Antizipation kommender Schrecknisse und die wilde Sanftheit ungebrochener Lebenslust.

Warum lecken sich Hunde am Hintern und Islamofaschisten morden? – weil sie es können.

Elisabeth Lahusen


Bei den Anschlägen in Madrid 2004 kamen 191 Menschen ums Leben, 2051 wurden verletzt. In Mumbai 2008 gab es 174 Tote und 239 Verletzte. Vor einem knappen Monat brachte mutmaßlich eine Bombe einen Airbus mit 224 Passagieren zum Absturz über dem Sinai. Und wer erinnert sich noch an „Lockerbie“, den Anschlag von 1988, bei dem durch die Explosion und den Absturz einer Boeing alle 243 Passagiere und 16 Besatzungsmitglieder ums Leben kamen? Viele Angriffe schaffen es kaum einen Tag in die Nachrichten, und der ununterbrochene Terror gegen Israel wird völlig ignoriert, solange Israel sich nicht zur Wehr setzt. Einzig die Terroranschläge in New York oder jetzt in Paris scheint man als Angriff auf die Zivilisation zu registrieren.

Wenn wir von Mord sprechen, denken wir an Kain und Abel, an einen Axtmord, an die „Giftmischerin“ oder aber wir sagen, „es herrscht Krieg“. Damit ist gemeint, dass ein Land ein anders angreift. Und wir versuchen alle Phänomene dieser Art in eine dieser beiden Kategorien einzusortieren. Wo weder das eine noch das andere passt, wird der mörderische Furor ignoriert oder mit allerlei Phrasen schöngeredet: Man spricht von „Freiheitskampf“, von „Notwehr der Völker“, von „legitimem Widerstand“ und hat bei sogenannten unterentwickelten Gesellschaften, aus denen die Täter stammen, Verständnis für Taten, die man in der eigenen Zivilisation oder in der eigenen Familie strikt ablehnen würde. Ein arroganter Kulturrelativismus hebelt da in menschenverachtender Weise seit Jahrzehnten im Umgang mit dem Terror die Standards der Zivilisation aus.

Die Humanitas an sich, Ideale wie Menschenwürde, Meinungsfreiheit, Lebensrecht von Minderheiten sind für „uns“ keine verteidigenswerte Grundrechte. Ein Recht auf angemessene Reaktion oder gar Intervention scheint in unseren Denkstrukturen deshalb nur gegeben, wenn ein ideologisch fundiertes inhumanes Wahnsystem sich selbst mit dem Label „Staat“ versieht und als solcher „uns“ angreift. Auch jetzt, nach „Paris“, wurde in vielen Kommentaren von Krieg gesprochen. Damit folgt der Westen in seiner Reaktion dem Selbstverständnis des IS, der sich als legitimer Staat begreift. Dabei suchen „wir“ im Kampf gegen diesen neu erfundenen Staat Schulterschluss mit Assad, doch bei nüchterner Betrachtung auch nichts weiter als ein Massenmörder ist.

Und noch ein Phänomen ist auffällig: Immer wieder wird der Ruf nach Bildung laut. Frei nach dem Motto: Gebt den Armen eine Chance auf Bildung und alles wird sich zum Besten wenden. Doch die Verbrecher sind ja nicht ungebildet. Im Gegenteil. George Habasch, Abd al-Aziz ar-Rantisi, Baschar Hafiz al-Assad, Josef Mengele, Che Guevara waren bzw. sind gelernte Ärzte. Ärzte und Mörder. Ihre Bildung war wissenschaftlich fundiert. Und dennoch sind sie nicht aus Wut, aus Neid, aus Rachsucht Mörder geworden. Sondern sie sind Mörder, die ihren Sadismus innerhalb eines Wahnsystems ausleben und oft genug auch delegieren. So verkörpern sie zwei Eigenarten, die einander nur scheinbar widersprechen.

Arm sind sie ebenfalls nicht. Selbst die arabischen Attentäter, die ihre Mordanschläge als Befreiungskampf für ein fiktives Palästina deklarieren, sind wohlhabend und leben nicht in Armut. Die meisten entstammen der gebildeten Mittelschicht. Sie werden finanziert und ausgerüstet von Leuten, die ebenfalls keine chancenlosen Analphabeten sind.

Ob der Anschlag in einem Konzerthaus in Paris oder in einer Disko in Israel stattfindet, die islamistischen Massenmörder morden aus einem einzigen Grund: Weil sie es wollen. Und sie haben Erfolg aus einem einzigen Grund: Weil man sie nicht hindert. Solange Demokratie nicht wirklich wehrhaft ist, wird das so bleiben. Die Israelis haben daraus gelernt. Man hat Israel beschimpft und verflucht im ach so gebildeten, besserwisserischen Westen, weil es während der 2. Intifada einen Grenzzaun hochgezogen und Checkpoints eingerichtet hat. Bis heute laufen in allen Straßen der großen Städte Bewaffnete herum. Doch Israel hat damit wirksam die Mordanschläge reduziert, so wie es bis heute auch jeden Messerstecher rigoros verfolgt.

Die Attentate werden sich solange wiederholen, wie man öffentliche Gebäude und Veranstaltungen nicht robust sichert. Und selbst dann gibt es keine Garantien. Solange wir in Europa uns darüber unterhalten, ob man Waren aus Judäa kaufen “darf” und nicht auf die Idee kommen, von IDF, Shin Bet und vom Mossad zu lernen und zu akzeptieren, dass Freiheit verteidigt werden muss, solange wird es ohne Ende solche Anschläge geben.

Wir sind leider noch weit davon entfernt, die Freiheit und die Humanität für wirklich verteidigungswerte Güter zu halten. Wir nehmen das Böse nicht ernst, sondern versuchen, die Bösen zu therapieren und zu entschuldigen. Wir entmündigen unsere Feinde. Wir haben zwar Angst vor ihnen, wollen aber ihre Beweggründe nicht wahrnehmen. Es wird noch viele weitere Opfer geben, bis wir anfangen, unsere Freiheit so wert zu schätzen, dass wir sie auch verteidigen wollen.

Die Massenmörder der Moderne sind akademisch gebildet, sie begründeten ihre Taten mit einem ideologischen Überbau und sie waren, was gerne vergessen wird, alle keine Freunde des Judentums. Man kann den Eindruck gewinnen, dass sie mit dieser Eigenschaft nicht alleine stehen. Der Westen sprach nach Auschwitz ein „Nie wieder“ aus. Es herrscht seitdem ein ungeschriebenes Gesetz, den mörderischen Antisemitismus der Folgezeit einfach nicht mehr beim Namen zu nennen. Wir waren alle „Charlie Hebdo“ aber nicht „Hyper Cacher“, wir sprechen von New York 11/9 und von Paris 13/11. Aber die ununterbrochenen Angriffe auf den jüdischen Staat, das „ Israel 24/ 7“, wird vollkommen ausgeblendet.

Es ist zu befürchten, dass wir noch lange brauchen, bis man in Europa bereit ist, die Existenz des weltweiten Hasses gegen alles Jüdische als Bedrohung der eigenen Zivilisation zu begreifen und entsprechend zu handeln. Man wird weiterhin mit einer Art postkolonialem Rassismus den Antisemitismus des militanten Islam nicht ernst nehmen. Man wird Mord und Unterdrückung in anderen Kulturkreisen mit einem beschönigenden Label versehen und nicht bereit sein, den Mördern auf Augenhöhe zu begegnen.

Und noch länger wird es dauern, bis man bereit ist, von der offenen Gesellschaft und der lebendigen und streitbaren Demokratie in Israel zu lernen. Und das ist vielleicht die bitterste Erkenntnis der langen Nacht des 13. November.

Elisabeth Lahusen, Jahrgang 1961, Dipl. Heilpädagogin und Tagesmutter in Bremen


Scumbag Erdogan goes completely mad


Interessanter Weise melden sich bereits wenige Stunden später amerikanische Militärs (z.B. Former Vice Chief of Staff of the US Air Force, Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney) zu Wort, die der türkischen Darstellung in doppelter Hinsicht widersprechen: Es gab keine Luftraumverletzung und auch die von der Türkei postulierten Warnungen – angeblich zehn an der Zahl – hat es nicht gegeben. Man gebrauche den Verstand: Wie können innerhalb 17 Sekunden zehn Warnungen ausgesprochen werden? Hinzu kommt wieder einmal eine arrogante Doppelmoral. Wikileaks hat am 24. November 2015 ein geheimes Telegramm des US-Militärs veröffentlicht, in dem festgestellt wird, dass die Türkei täglich 40 Mal den griechischen Luftraum verletzt – unter griechischem Protest.

Wie nicht anders zu erwarten, hat die NATO-Konferenz als erstes der Türkei Solidarität zugesichert. Die weiteren Ansagen waren jedoch ungewöhnlich. Deeskalation wurde gefordert und selbst der Oberkriegstreiber Stoltenberg hat sich eines gemäßigten Vokabulars bedient. Allein das belegt, dass die NATO ganz genau weiß, dass es eben keine Luftraumverletzung durch russische Jets gegeben haben kann. Wäre es anders, wäre die Reaktion eine andere gewesen. Auch US-Präsident Obama hat Deeskalation und Gespräche gefordert. Bricht man seine kurze Rede aber herunter auf die Substanz, dann hat er auch eine Drohung gegen Russland ausgesprochen: Solange Russland nur die Ziele angreift, die von den USA „genehmigt“ sind, besteht für die russische Luftwaffe keine Gefahr. Darf hier der Umkehrschluss gezogen werden, dass der türkische Angriff in gewisser Weise gut geheißen wird, weil Russland nicht unterscheidet zwischen „guten“ und „bösen“ Terroristen – nach amerikanischer Definition?

Putin gebührt höchste Anerkennung

Ich kann den russischen Präsident Putin nur bewundern ob seiner außerordentlich diplomatisch- zurückhaltenden Reaktion. Dafür gebührt ihm höchste Anerkennung. Natürlich muss er Konsequenzen androhen und solche auch in Kraft setzen und dabei kann er sich auch auf die Solidarität seiner Bürger verlassen. Die ersten Reiseunternehmen in Russland haben bereits die Türkei aus ihrem Programm genommen. Geht das konsequent weiter, was zu erwarten ist, werden der Türkei die Einnahmen von etwa 3,5 Millionen russischen Urlaubern im nächsten Jahr fehlen. Was wird aus dem Pipeline-Projekt für russisches Erdgas, was mit dem Handel mit Russland? Angesichts dessen müssen weitere Zweifel am Geisteszustand der gesamten türkischen Führung angemeldet werden. Es sei denn, Erdogan und seine Neocon-Freunde verfolgen ganz andere Ziele: Die Einverleibung Syriens unter türkische Herrschaft – inklusive des syrischen Öls.

Der Abschuss der russischen SU 24 ist mit nichts zu rechtfertigen. Ich stehe hier neben Putin, der sagt, der Abschuss war „ein Dolchstoß in den Rücken Russlands im Kampf gegen den IS“, eine Tat von Helfern des IS. Hierzu muss der Blick weiter reichen: Die Ukraine und die Sprengung der Stromversorgung zur Krim. Nicht nur das. Die Kiew-Regierung hat in den letzten Tagen wieder einmal begonnen, den Donbass mit schweren Waffen zu beschießen. Der Warenaustausch und damit die Versorgung zwischen Krim und Ukraine ist auf Weisung Kiews unterbrochen. All das verstößt gegen das Minsk II-Abkommen. Hat irgendjemand irgendetwas gehört von mahnenden Worten aus Berlin an die Adresse Kiews?

Wir müssen mithelfen, den Syrien-Krieg zu beenden

Es gibt offensichtlich mächtige westliche Kreise, die mit allen Mitteln verhindern wollen, dass das Morden im Nahen Osten beendet wird. Nachdem Russland die Führung im Kampf gegen den IS übernommen hat – und das sehr erfolgreich im Gegensatz zum nutzlosen Geplänkel der USA –, ist es Putin gelungen, federführend die Syrienkonferenzen in Wien zu etablieren und wirksame Allianzen gegen den IS zu schmieden – sogar unter Einbeziehung von Iran und Irak. Das kann weder dem Kalifen von Ankara gefallen, noch den US-Neocons. Bezeichnend, dass die US-Air Force 45 Minuten vor dem Angriff auf einen IS-Tanker-Konvoi Flugblätter abwirft mit der Warnung vor dem Angriff. Man mag das als „humanitäre Geste“ interpretieren, aber es sollte in dem Zusammenhang gesehen werden, dass die USA vor dem Eingreifen Russlands nicht einen einzigen ölbeladenen Tanker des IS angegriffen hat. Wieder einmal hat Putin hier seinen Finger in diplomatischster Weise in die Wunde gelegt, als er feststellte, dass der IS von 40 Staaten unterstützt wird, auch von G-20-Mitgliedern, ohne konkrete Staaten zu nennen. Im Übrigen muss jeder denkende Mensch an der Frage verzweifeln, warum dem IS nicht einfach der Geldhahn zugedreht wird.

Die Planung der US-Neocons bezüglich des Nahen Ostens liegt in Trümmern, wegen des Eingreifen Russlands. Hierzu sollte eine Betrachtung ganz allgemeiner Natur eingebracht werden. Der Erste und der Zweite Weltkrieg haben jeweils vier Jahre gedauert, jedenfalls was die heiße Phase des Zweiten anbelangt. Der Jugoslawienkrieg war nach fünf Jahren beendet. In Afghanistan und dem Irak dauern die zerstörerischen Kriegshandlungen nun bereits mehr als zehn Jahre an und in Libyen ist ein Ende der Gewalt nicht abzusehen. Das kann niemand aushalten und wir müssen nicht nur von einer „verlorenen Generation“ sprechen, vielmehr ist es ein anhaltender Genozid, der ganze Regionen entvölkern und Europa mit einem ungebremsten Zustrom von Flüchtlingen überfordern wird. Es ist in unser aller Interesse, Russland beizustehen und den Syrien-Krieg in seinem fünften Jahr zu beenden. Genau dagegen aber richtet sich der Abschuss des russischen Flugzeugs.

Die NATO hat ihre Mitglieder nicht mehr im Griff

Die US-Neocons fordern ganz offen Krieg gegen Russland. Krieg gegen Russland heißt aber Krieg in und gegen Europa. Der Abschuss der SU 24 und die Aktionen in der Ukraine zielen genau darauf ab. Die Rolle der Türkei? Der größenwahnsinnige Kalif von Ankara lebt entweder mit einer gigantischen Selbstüberschätzung oder er handelt im Auftrag. In wessen Auftrag? Das ist eher nebensächlich. Es kommt jetzt auf die europäische, die deutsche Politik an, jeden, absolut jeden als Partner abzuweisen, der nicht konsequent Lösungen im Nahen Osten aktiv unterstützt. Die europäische Politik muss auch der arroganten Forderung der Obama-Regierung widersprechen, Russland solle sich im Kampf gegen den IS der amerikanischen Führung unterordnen. Seit wann ordnet sich der Erfolgreiche dem Versager unter?

Der Abschuss der SU 24 hat einiges offengelegt: Die NATO hat ihre Mitglieder nicht mehr im Griff. Speziell die Türkei versucht ihr eigenes Süppchen zu kochen und dabei die NATO in Aktionen zu locken, die nicht abgestimmt sind. Gleichzeitig ist zu konstatieren, dass es offensichtlich mächtige Gruppierungen innerhalb der NATO gibt, die eine Politik im Interesse der Neocons und des militärisch-industriellen Komplexes betreiben. Eisenhauer hat schon vor 60 Jahren genau davor gewarnt. Eine NATO, die nicht einmal mehr die Kontrolle über die Aktionen ihrer Mitglieder behalten kann, jetzt offensichtlich sogar davon überrascht worden ist, ist kein funktionsfähiges Bündnis. Die NATO ist gegründet worden als Verteidigungsbündnis gegen die Bedrohung durch die Sowjetunion. Die gibt es nicht mehr und Russland ist kein Feind. Gegen wen also sollte sich die NATO verteidigen, Schutz bieten? So, wie die Sowjetunion aufgelöst worden ist, muss jetzt die NATO aufgelöst und ersetzt werden durch ein Bündnis eines geeinten Europa, das in friedlicher Zusammenarbeit mit Russland und China sein eigenes Wohlergehen als oberste Priorität der Politik und seiner militärischen Aktionen festschreibt.


Wo liegen die Wurzeln des Terrorismus und was ist zu tun, um die Ursachen zu beseitigen? Raubtiersozialismus produziert zwangsläufig Terroristen


The Alex Jones Show. Obama’s Heart Bleeds for ISIS.




Alex Jones Show

Date: 11/19/2015

On the Thursday, November 19 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Syrian refugees are caught at the Texas border, as a new poll shows westerners are turning against the “refugee” invasion. We also look at how gun laws in the US are being scrutinized in the wake of the Paris attacks, and examine the French Prime Minister’s warning of a chemical weapon attack from terrorists. On today’s show, former FBI informant Emad Salem discusses the similarity between the simultaneous attack on France and the failing simultaneous bombing on the day of the terror attack on New York in 1993. Author and WND editor Dr. Jerome Corsi also gives his take on the Paris massacre and talks about Hillary’s election hurdles. We’ll also take your calls on this worldwide broadcast.






AJ:     Alex Jones


ES:     Emad Salem


JB:     Joe Biggs


s.l. = sounds like



Is this what we can expect at an NFL or NBA game in the very near future? As the Bilderberg Puppets of Doom run civilisation into an engineered grinding halt, shielded by faux blameless compassion, call it fear mongering, I call it reality. Folks, things are getting dangerous. House GOP Caucus Chairman, Glen Casada (Republican member of the Tennessee House of Representatives), said „We need to activate the Tennessee National Guard and stop them from coming into the state, i.e. the refugees, by whatever means we can.“ Note to bleeding heart liberals that disagree with the previous statement from a man of action, the blood of Americans will be on your hands because of your fake, brainwashed, liberal stance that could get us all killed. The Jihadists are already in the United States, a complete nightmare scenario, courtesy of our commander in chief. The Daily Mail reports, „Nearly 70 arrests have already been made of home grown and refugee Jihadists in the United States, including six Bosnian immigrants, three from Missouri, two from Illinois and one from New York were charged in February with sending money and military equipment to extremist groups in Syria, including ISIS and the Al-Qaeda affiliated Al Mazra front.“ According to court documents, the group conspired via phone, Facebook and email, such as beach for places like Iraq and Syria while using PayPal and Western Union to send funds to fanatics.


Too many hapless US natives went to Syria and died fighting for ISIS; this exposed the mid-West as a hotbed for ISIS recruits. A growing Somali refugee population in the mid-West has already produced eight Somali friends who are charged with conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organisation. One of those charged includes 20 year old Abdurrahman Yassin-Dal who was born at a refugee camp in Kenya and arrived in the US when he was nine, according to the Minnesota Star Tribune. Other incidents include a former US air force serviceman from New Jersey joined the Mujahedeen, two cousins, one a national guard soldier from Illinois plotted a raid on a military facility where they intended on slaughtering a hundred and twenty militia. A Yemeni-born naturalised American pizza and chicken shop owner in Rochester, New York, was allegedly funnelling Jihadist recruits to a Syrian welcoming camp for training. Gunman, Elton Simpson and Nadir Souf were shot dead by police attempting to storm Pamela Gellar’s Mohammed Art exhibit and contest. Austin Texas native, white Muslim convert, Michael Todd Wolf was arrested at the George Bush international inter-continental airport, travelling to fly to Syria to train with Jihadists. Wolf was sentenced to 7 years in prison. Self-described lone wolf for ISIS, Miguel Diaz , a 46 year old convicted felon and Cuban immigrant was jailed for 10 years in July on firearm charges. 21 year old American Christopher Cornell bought an arsenal which he planned to use to launch a terror assault on Washington DC, declaring his affiliation to ISIS during a jail cell TV interview.


Earlier this year, judicial watch revealed that the Obama administration gave more than 1,500 terrorists asylum in the United States in 2014. According to the government watchdog, the administration led 1,519 inadmissible foreigners embroiled in terrorism into the US last year because the crimes were committed while under duress. Until Obama put the rubber stamp on bringing 10,000 Syrian refugees into the US with no agreeable vetting process to weed out the Jihadists, getting to America was difficult.


[Female Speaker]This is the same person whose spokesperson is bragging that group could actually take over the United States of America, have a listen for yourself.



„Now our President and the puppets of Europe are literally aiding and abetting a military invasion against their own citizens.“ John Bound, Forinforce.com.


AJ:     A very powerful report, that’s why I opened the transmission with that. The reason we’re focusing on this so much obviously is because it shows the whole war on terror is a fraud. We end up attacking countries that haven’t attacked us while aiding the very enemies that have sworn to destroy this country. Big broadcast coming up today, incredible jam-packed with informative guests and reporters in Paris, France. It’s all coming up today. I’m Alex Jones with Infowars.com and we are in the situation room, not the war room today, different studio.


This is going to be another absolutely vital transmission. Thank you so much for joining us on this live Thursday, November 19th 2015 global transmission. Joining us today will be Joe Biggs and other Infowars.com reporters from Paris, France. They will then travel to London, England to visit some of the ghettos that are no-go zones for Europeans and Westerners on Friday and Saturday before returning to the United States. Emad Salem, the famous FBI informant who tried to stop the first World Trade Centre attack but was basically ordered to let it go forward before blowing the whistle will be joining us coming up in the second hour. And he is a top expert and of course was a high-level military officer, well a colonel, in the military in Egypt.


Dr Jerome Corsey will also be joining us to break down the global jihad and exactly why Obama thinks he can get away with opening our borders up and brining 100,000. First it was 10,000, now it’s 100,000, now they’re talking about 300,000. If we accept that it will be 3,000,000. That is the same formula they’ve used in Europe, so that’s all coming up today. Then Anthony Giucciardi will be ably posting the fourth hour and has a lot of breaking news and analysis that we’ll be telling you about later when he hosts the fourth hour that we’ve added to the transmission because there’s so much news. That said, just look at some of these headlines I’ve got in front of me. Exclusive; six men from Pakistan, Afghanistan, bus illegally entering Arizona from Mexico. That is from Brightbart Texas, Brandon Derby.


Now remember, supposedly series that any Islamists are coming across know other than Mexicans is what it’s called by the Border Control come in by the thousands per border state with Mexico per month. If you go and look at the numbers released by them that will tell you the countries. Pakistan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Lebanon. A lot of them are just looking for work for their families but some of them are radicals, some of them are planning terror attacks and ISIS and others have planned to do that so there’s that report. Six Syrians with fake passport captured in Honduras on way to the United States. There is another report from Gateway Pundit. Here’s another report: Throngs of children are trying to cross the Texas border again, and notice the strategy. Obama a few days ago said „Oh you’re scared of women and widows and children blowing you up“ and then a woman suicide bomber blew herself up and a police dog in Paris yesterday and our reporters were on scene just minutes after it happened.


But see, that’s how they bill it, 17% of the people coming in this year and last year according to the Border Control, they have the numbers, are below the age of 18, 18 or younger. But see it’s always children. But it doesn’t matter that upwards of 80% of the ‘immigrants to the US’ and to Europe, these migrants, are military age men and are Wahabist who failed in the takeover. They were there to get their own land, take over people’s houses, that’s what the Jihadis do. They come, they colonize, they run you out of your home, and they take it over. That’s what done in the Middle East, they usurp each other back and forth. It is the Sunnis, traditionally, that are the main usurpers because they are the majority of Islam. 79%. I’m not demonising Sunnis, a lot of Sunnis are not radical and are great people. It’s a fact though that they are the ones quarterbacking the radical Islamic takeover worldwide so there is that report.


Syrian community leader says ISIS is already in America, New York Post. Yeah no kidding it’s not already in America, it is in America. It’s been allowed into American and now ISIS is threatening New York City in a new propaganda video. Now before I get into all of that, I want to tie it in to the fact that Obama thinks we’re stupid and thinks that he can get away with bringing in unlimited radical Islamists and then when they attack military recruiting centres, when they attack community centres, when they attack government facilities, they will just spin it and say it’s not Islamic and the dutiful CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC will all dutifully report that it’s not Islamic, period. Just like the Fort Oates shooting they said was not radical Islamic behaviour. When you kill 14 people screaming ‘Allahu Akbar’, it is. But what they don’t seem to take into account is the alternative media, that is the real media, already has bigger numbers put together in the overall aggregate in the final sum than dinosaur media. Dinosaur media is beyond its last legs, it is laying in the desert with laboured breath about to go into history.


And that brings me to this next outrage Infowars.com; Obama plans to veto refugee screening bill despite terrorists having entered US as refugees. The FBI in more than a dozen states as you know in the last few days has arrested 69 people with ties to ISIS, who they report were planning attacks in this country. But Obama is coming out and has now ordered the FBI to come out today and say that there are no Islamic ISIS connected cells in the United States. Well, we know there are ISIS training camps in the United States that were allowed to operate to train Jihadis to send them to Syria, to Libya, and to Egypt and Iraq. That is on record that they were allowed to recruit and do this. Now they’ve just flipped against the West and I don’t know whose double crossing who but it’s a mess. And if they ever act like borders could bring security, if they ever act like we deserve to have any screening process at all, then their whole fraud that borders don’t matter collapses. So that’s why they have to double down again, and double down on top of that and then double down and double down again and say „There are no Islamic terrorists,“ „There are no Islamic terror attacks,“ „No one’s going to hurt you, nothing’s happening,“ and why they’ve had Democrat Congresswoman, we talked about it yesterday, come out and say „We need to restrict guns because of Paris.“


See it’s the suspension of common sense. Paris has a gun ban like New York or Chicago or DC. Paris is one of the most restrictive gun free zones in the world, and it’s a hot bed of terror attacks because it’s wide open. So how do you counter the answer to a threat, like the head of Interpol said a few years ago when the Kenya shopping malls got attacked, he said arm the citizens like they do in Texas or Colorado, that is the answer, that’s the quote, ABC news. So when you’ve got common-sense like that gaining ground, you just come out and say the answer is to take everybody’s guns away because an Isis terrorist is going to follow the law and they’re not going to attack anybody because there is a sign on the door saying it’s a gun free zone. If you believe that you believe the frosty weather that hit part of the US came from a little elf named Jack Frost.


When we come back from break I’m going to play this congresswoman but here is the outrage, Obama plans to veto refugee screening bill despite terrorists having entered the US as refugees. The president says legislation would create unnecessary and impractical requirements. And all it’s saying is they’ve got to be vetted, screened, and prove their passports are accurate, that they don’t have affiliations with known terror groups. That’s not even proper screening. I mean why would a country that’s already got 40 million illegals in it, why would a country that is already going bankrupt want to take on people from a war-torn nation brimming with Jihadis and military age men and then not screen them when almost all passports, they say five out of six, is the EU’s own statement a month ago, five out of six Syrian passports are fake, fake. Five you’ve got a fake passport, you’re not coming in. If I showed up born in this country, born in Dallas, Texas 41 almost 42 years ago, if I showed up to the United States border, flew in say to Austin, Texas and I had a fake passport saying my name was John Brown or my name was David Thomson or my name was Bill Sanchez, whatever, John Doe, they would arrest me for fraud and they should. But not if I’m an illegal alien from Latin America, or Africa or the Middle East.


It’s bizarre ladies and gentlemen because they have all the security theatre how they’ve got to keep us safe and take all our rights away, because Al Qaeda’s hiding under every bench, every bed, every closet, the bogie man. Meanwhile you’ve got a real Jihad army taking over part of Iraq, Syria, Libya overthrew for a full year Egypt’s our ally, our government backs these people and now we’re told we’re going to bring them in. It just shows the incredible boldness of this administration. I think they’ve gone too far. Obviously they’ve gone too far legally and lawfully, this is treason, this is sedition, this is a military act against this country by classical definitions. Again, that’s not rhetoric. I don’t have words that rise to the level of this outrageous miscarriage of sanity but it’s gone too far even in the system, even in this whored-out corrupt system, this blasted, ragged-out system, this pot-holed, rotting, shot system, this is too much because it puts the whole security theatre on trial.


Folks ask why I have such high energy and why I tend to get on the edge of hysteria, it’s crazy to have the president of the United States saying they’re going to bring in 100,000 now quote refugees from an Al-Qaeda offensive area and almost all of it turns out are Sunnis that came into Syria to take over and have now failed and have nowhere to go. These are like pilgrims on the wagon trains going west wanting to take over land basically. And they’re almost all military age men, that is admitted. I just cannot believe how bold this illegitimate government is at the top pulling stuff like this. I mean I can’t even believe it. They just caught the six men from Pakistani, Afghanistan bussing illegally entering Arizona from Mexico. And Brightbart, Texas does have a lot of really good sources, we have sources inside the border patrol that told us to go down obviously last year and show where they bring the illegals in, give them the vouchers and then bus them into the country but at least that’s Latin Americans, most of them aren’t criminals or terrorists.


A highly trusted federal agent working under the umbrella of US Customs and border protection has confirmed to Brightbart, Texas that a group composed of five Pakistan men and one from Afghanistan was captured by US border patrol agents having illegally crossed the poorish US Mexico border in the Tucson sector of Arizona. Six men travelling in a group were captured roughly 16 miles into the state of Arizona, specifically near the small picturesque town of Patagonia, Arizona. The apprehension of the group occurred late on Monday night, November 16, 2015. Border patrol agents were unable to do extensive interviews with the six Middle Eastern men because the Federal Bureau of Investigation took over the matter. The aliens were immediately transferred to Tucson where the FBI took custody. There’s just nothing else really known about that. This is ongoing. If you look, because they only release it every few months, the latest numbers on who’s been apprehended and what, it’ll say 27,000 Mexicans in this sector, 3,000 – I’m going from just gestalt memory – Guatemalans, 1,200 Venezuelans. It’ll say and then it’ll say 127 Pakistani’s, 24 Syrians. It just says the numbers. John Kerry again is in NBC News saying accept 85,000 refugees in 2016, 100,000 in 2017. So the number is always growing.


Now they’re talking about 300,000 see. But then they keep using this 10,000 number in the news to confuse everybody. That’s how they started for five years ago in Germany, they go, „We’re going to take 10,000 refugees,“ next it’s 100,000, 300,000, a million, two million, three million plus now in Germany. Three million in the last four years. Now they’re talking about three million in the next two years in Germany. There is only 60 million people in both countries when it was East and West so it really is incredible. I just ask her by the question, how will the establishment get away with this when there are terror attacks in this country? What are they planning? Well they’re going to use the threat to build up this big apparatus of security that is then focused on the American people. I said I’d play the clip. We do have the clip of this congresswoman yesterday coming out and saying that we need to restrict the Second Amendment because of what happened in Paris. Here it is.


[A sound clip of Congresswoman Jan Krawkwoski plays]. “But I do want to remind you that before we killed a Jihadist named Alaqi, he did a video that said to Americans, „Joint the Jihad and get guns because it’s so easy in the United States of America to get a weapon.“ That ought to be a chilling reminder because aside from blowing themselves are up, which is of course not about small weapons, these people use the kinds of weapons that are still available in the United States of America and I think it’s odd to cause us to have another consideration of sensible gun safety laws”.


AJ:     Well that’s Jan Krakowski from Illinois. Yeah, they had illegal plastic explosives too, bimbo. You’ve got armed guards protecting you, you little slime bag. It was a gun free zone where they attacked, you monster. I’m so sick of filth like you. These people are anti American trash who want to disarm her quarry, her would-be slaves, predators want their slaves dis-armed, predators want to feed on de-clawed prey.


[A sound clip plays of President Obama] ‘When candidates say we want to admit three year old orphans, that’s political posturing. When individuals say that we should have a religious test and that only Christians, proven Christians, should be admitted, that’s offensive and contrary to American values. I cannot think of a more potent recruitment to offer ISIL than some of the rhetoric that’s been coming out of here during the course of this debate. ISIL seeks to exploit the idea that there is a war between Islam and the West. “


AJ:     Alright, that’s enough. Everything Obama says is a lie, that we are against widows and three year olds. No, we were against turning women into widows and driving three year olds out of Syria. But that’s not who is coming over, it’s men that want jobs, it’s men that want welfare, it’s men that want bribes. Many of them, a large minority of them, are Jihadis that failed in the takeover of Syria and are now being allowed into Turkey, north of Syria and then they’re allowed to infiltrate and march in giant columns, are the hundreds of thousands incredible footage that everyone has seen, into Europe. Germans are told you will be arrested if you criticise. Within hours of Obama saying you know you’re scared of women, a woman blew herself art and blew a police dog up and shrapnel flew into the police vehicles nearby.


And then he goes on to say he can’t think of a better recruiting tool for Isis. When the West funded Isis, 90+ per cent of the rebels are Wahabist , El Nuzra, Al Qaeda, ISIS, same group. ISIS is the worldwide caliphate recruiting arm establishing Islamic states. IS is the Islamic State they’re setting up with an area between eastern Syria and western Iraq. The public is so incredibly politically uninformed and geopolitically uninformed about what’s going on in the world that they get confused by it. Former DIA Director, US made wilful decision to support Isis in Syria, that was former top general on record. General Michael Flynn should I play the clip again? And by the way I’m not a fan of a lot of the stuff that comes out of the Mullahs in Iran, but I’m not for war with Iran, and Iran is not attacking this country. They’re the Shi’ites that are fighting.


The Shi’ites believe you’ve got to be genetically descended from Mohammed the profit to be able to be a cleric. Obviously that’s not going to take over Islam even though it’s arguably the oldest form of Islam. The Sunnis say, „No, you’ve just got to profess it and be recognised by the people as a spiritual leader.“ That’s why they’re the majority of Islam, because there’s going to be a lot more preachers out there pushing their brand of Islam because they can say that they’re a leader or a spiritual man because according to the Shi’ites you’ve got to be related to Mohammed. And that’s the big fight in Islam ladies and gentlemen and the average American doesn’t even know what that is and that’s what the politicians pray on all day long. And now, the supreme leader of Iran, the ayatollah of rock and roller, has come out and said that the West was behind the terror attacks. The media spun that to say that he was saying it was completely staged. Video from Iran supreme leader reportedly blames US for Paris attacks but when you read deeper he says the West funded Islamic state to overthrow Shi’ite controlled areas of the world and now it’s blowing back on them. It’s a true statement. WikiLeaks said the same thing, they got demonised, it’s true. It’s true! I don’t care who says it. If Bill Clinton said it, it would be true, even though he’s a liar.


A video posted on Facebook page affiliate with Iran Islamic Revolution, guards corps, was first reported by the middle east media research institute. It explains the US created being Islamic state to advance its own agenda. That’s what the general over at DIA said. It’s just true. See, the ayatollahs not bad for saying it, our government is bad for doing it. You’ve got these 9/11 truthers out there that will look at me and say I am not covering the full story because I’m not saying it’s all completely manufactured because it’s not all manufactured at the ground level but it was manufactured at the beginning because they created the group, founded the group, protected the group. So it is a false flag, but I’m explaining the type of false flag it is. I said Isis was coming. I said they were real. I said get ready for major attacks because I’ve been analysing the group, I’ve seen them on the ground, we’ve been threatened by them over and over again. I watch them be allowed to recruit online and they’re now going to use this threat to take our freedoms. There is purely staged terror, there is manufactured terror, there is provocateur terror. There is finance terror where its real terror groups but they got their money up the chain from shadowy corporations.


I’ve made my mission to study this and that’s why we getting into these areas but it is a real threat by yes the door was opened to these organisations to come into the West but it’s worse than that because our criminal governments, the illegitimate groups that have hijacked our nation and hijacked Europe, have been financing and funding these groups. So they helped finance, fund and protect and shepherd them and now they’re opening the door for them. Joining us with his final report from Paris, France, he’s got new news of chemical weapons threats. We know how Isis and Al Qaeda do have chemical weapons, at least in Syria and other areas they got it from Saudi Arabia, even the UN had that finding. He’s got more Intel for us before he goes to London to report with Paul Watson and of course Michael Zimmerman. So joining us from Paris, France is former army staff Sergeant Joe Biggs. Joe, what’s the latest?


JB:     Joe Biggs here with Infowars.com, now we’re in downtown Paris. To go back to what you’re talking about with the social media, how Isis has been allowed to recruit, I mean it’s amazing. If you or I, we get on there, we say something that is discriminatory, so-called racist or anti-immigration, we could be censored. Meanwhile these guys have been left to just get on Twitter openly recruiting, posting this stuff, and they don’t go after. If I post something, say if I said something about Hilary Clinton, the FBI’s going to be knocking at my door but there’s nothing going on with these guys. Today we found out that the French prime minister said that there’s a great possibility of a chemical attack here in Paris. I’m trying to figure out where that idea came from. And I think this comes from possibly the raid yesterday in St Denis where the police went in that building and raided it. Now they said, the initial reporters when they went in there, they found evidence of another attack being prepared for. Now did they find some kind of chemical stuff in there that they were working on, different kinds of vests, something like that. So that’s where I’m beginning to think maybe that Intel came from.


AJ:     Well obviously that’s where the mastermind was and was reportedly killed, as you first reported yesterday. It’s now been confirmed today, that they’re saying the mastermind of the Paris attacks of Halloween or of Friday the 13th was indeed killed. Speaking of Halloween, the Russians have come out obviously yesterday confirming that that was a 2lb bomb on-board that aircraft, ISIS did take responsibility for that. The point is that they’re on the march and as you know, Al Qaeda/IS has launched multiple chemical attacks inside Syria and attempted to blame it on Assad. So there’s no telling what they’re going to pull.


JB:     Well the lady who had the suicide vest strapped to herself in St Denis during the raid, she actually was going up to the window and looking at as they saw the police coming and screaming ‘help me, help me’, to lure them in to try to get them in there. And instead of falling for it, I guess they sent the police dog in. They said when that vest went off that it was such a big explosion that the floor that she was standing on collapsed and fell through and the explosion was so great that it sent her spine across into the street.


AJ:    Joe, being inside the middle of the epicentre of the ISIS Jihad and travelling to Brussels, Belgium and being thrown out by the Islamists that didn’t want you in the area, what’s your overall takeaway after being on the ground for 5 days?


JB:     Well I go back to the article I read right before we came over here that Paul Joseph Watson put up saying that about, I think it was 27% of Parisians actually support ISIS and I’m sitting here thinking that’s far-fetched.


AJ:     Those aren’t Parisians, those are invaders.


JB:     And I’m sitting there thinking that’s so far-fetched but now that I’ve actually been here I 100% believe that to the tee, I can tell you this much. Let’s go back to July 7th, here in France I found the story, I forgot about it actually, I read about it back when it happened, 40y grenades, 180 detonators and plastic explosives stolen from French military base. This is an article in the Telegraph. So that stuff went missing back there, back in July, no telling how that’s being used. If it’s being sent over into Syria, Iraq, here in France. So there’s definitely that out there. That stuff has been stolen, someone is using it.


AJ:     Joe, I keep asking this question, I’m going to ask you again. How do you think they’re going to get away when there’s clearly more terror attacks in Europe, in the United States, in other Western Nations? How will they politically get away with that unscathed, the socialists, the collectives, the Merkels, the Obamas, the Hollandes. Just today Obama plans to veto refugee screening bill despite terrorists having entered the US as refugees. President says legislation would create unnecessary and impractical requirements. The definition of treason, of high treason is aiding and abetting sworn enemies to enter and attack your nation. I mean this is the definition of cut and dry military sabotage against our country. I mean from shutting down our power plants, to bringing in Jihadis, to attacking our families, to funding ISIS. Obama really is trying to destroy this country. He really is trying to sabotage this nation. He really does want to destroy the country that gives him all his power. I mean this people are mentally ill. He is, worse than I ever thought he could be. I mean this is joke level, Biggs.


JB:    Yeah, I mean they’re pushing this entire PC culture to where it’s almost like they want everyone to have this sense of Stockholm Syndrome where they have to love being attacked. That’s how I feel, it’s like Stockholm Syndrome. They want everyone to feel like alright, these are your oppressors, they’re doing it, but you’re going to love them anyways and just kind of ignore the fact. That’s why this whole PC culture keeps getting pushed all the time, it’s this reverse psychology instead of going after the bad people, after going after the corrupt government, you feel racist, you feel like a bigot, you feel horrible for doing it. It’s the same thing with that, I just don’t understand it. So many people are falling for it around the world. It’s not just America, it’s everywhere. People are writing articles saying that you should sympathise for these people.


AJ:     Madonna says we should love them. Look, these people are bullies that oppress their own people and their own nations, it’s sickening. But what’s behind a lot of the guilt with the grassroots is we know attacking Iraq was wrong, now. You’ve said that yourself and you were there and were wounded there. We know we were fed lies, we know we’ve done a lot of bad things to the Middle East, but here’s the problem. The very globalists, the very new world order people that lied us into all these wars, to destabilise the Middle East and set the stage for ISIS to come into the vacuum are the ones now saying open our borders. It’s the globalists, they’re the problem.


JB:     Well I have some breaking news right now that there’s actually a raid being conducted by French police in Charlesville, Maisres. It is a town that is about three hours from here on the Belgium border. Right now there are police conducting this raid, sweeping through, looking for possible terrorists. So that’s going on right now. I actually have a link just posted on Facebook, on my Twitter and all that, you guys can grab it, it has live updates of what’s going on from that area. But like I said….


AJ:     Tell folks your Twitter, that’s Rambo Biggs.


JB:     Yes @rambobiggs. You go on there and find that.


AJ:     Be sure and retweet that at @therealalexjones there on Twitter as well. I don’t want to say exactly what you’re planning next but you’re going to go to London in the next day or so. You’re also going to be going to some of these no-go ghettos where women are told you must not wear skirts, you must wear hoods. They even tell people not to come out of bars. The same thing is even happening in Germany now where they had to stop Oktoberfest because the migrants were upset by outdoor drinking. I mean this is just totally ridiculous. So hopefully you’re going to go document some more of that because people are in denial about what you experienced.


JB:     Yeah, we will definitely. I mean the fact that…I mean I can believe that people don’t want to accept that, that’s fine but I mean I’m telling you, myself, Michael, and Paul were there, that happened without a doubt. We had no problem, we were in front of the building where that raid was conducted because it’s in a very open area but once we walked further into the ghetto and started moving around through there, that’s when the cars started coming by. That’s when the people started hanging out and screaming, like spit coming out of their mouth angry. They were there. And I was kind of wigged out so we were like alright let’s go into this restaurant and try to like get away from this for a minute. As soon as we opened the door, this guy comes scooting in and kind of grabs the door and goes no, no, you can’t be here.


AJ:     Obviously there’s not going to be any liberal lawsuit because you’re white, or you’re western or you’re Christian, so you weren’t let in. This is the suicide of the west. Well it’s been documented, you’re going to document it some more. Joe Biggs, we’ll continue to see your reports as you follow them at Infowars.com. We’ll also have you back live tomorrow from London. You guys, be safe.


JB:     We went to Charlie Hebdo today too as well, Alex.


AJ:     And that’s been filed as well?


JB:     We’re putting it together for a nice, produced report, but we actually went to the area where the police officer was killed on the sidewalk. There was a lot of people saying that that was a hoax. You can actually see a little rut, like a divot in the concrete where it looked like a bullet had hit as well. So we documented all that, the bottom floor of Charlie Hebdo has been completely cleaned out, It looks like they’ve moved up further, a lot of signs everywhere. And we were able to go in and get closer to the Bataclan theatre today, they’ve moved back the barricade or actually I should say they brought it in closer just around that area sort of a huge block. They still had the memorials out as well but you could see the signs up from last Friday saying that the Eagles of Death Metal, the American band that has the front man for Queens of the Stone Age, they had all that still up there. A lot of people out there scared, worried. Now we have the threats of the chemical attacks so everybody’s on edge here.


I went out last night and actually spoke to a man from Paris who lived in Australia for a lot of his life and moved back here about five years ago and he said he was actually supposed to go to that theatre that night, that him and his wife had tickets and he decided last minute, that morning, to go to Amsterdam and party there. So he never updated his family, he had never updated his work that he had changed his plans. He gets a call from his boss screaming and crying saying are you alive, are you alive and he goes yeah, mate I’m in Amsterdam. He goes thank God. He’s like did you hear…?


AJ:     Great job Joe, can’t wait to see those reports at Infowars.com. Here’s some of the headlines at Drugsreport.com and Infowars.com. Current host Alex Jones. Six Syrian with fake passports captured in Honduras, now Costa Rica detain Syrian travelling on Greek passport, ISIS threatens New York city in new propaganda video, Times Square attack, Syrian community leader ISIS already in USA, refugees cannot be vetted get real says the government. And it just goes on from that point on. Six men from Pakistan, Afghanistan, busted entering Arizona. Al Qaeda uses refugee program to smuggle operatives into Kentucky. Report 827 Somalia’s resettled in six weeks, only one Christian. I love how Obama says it’s discriminatory to try to bring Christians in, that’s the point of refugee status. Christians, the UN admits, are the most persecuted group in the world. Their persecution in the last decade has doubled. They’re being murdered all over the Middle East and Obama knows how dumb his politically correct audience is and he goes „We can’t just bring Christians in, that’s discriminatory.“ No, we know, you won’t let Christians get out.


           It is so sick! And it shows how much they hate us, bitter clingers, they don’t care if you’re black, they don’t care if you’re Asian, Hispanic, Arabic, whatever, you’re a Christian, this global government hates your guts and Christians are persecuted and our Christian leaders are controlled and won’t stand up for us. We’re under attack people, and Christians should come together. If you don’t believe in Christianity but you believe in Western culture and freedom, you shouldn’t like your culture, what you came from, being under attack and being replaced with a bunch of crazy, radical Jihad crap. And people know I was against the Middle Eastern wars, I don’t dislike Muslims, or Arabs, or any of it but I’m not going to bend over when a bunch of radical ones telling me that my daughters belong to them and are going to wear hoods on their heads, over my dead body! We’re taking this country back, period. We’re done. I don’t care if it’s globalists, radical Muslims, Satanists, whatever, whoever you are, get out of my way.


1776 is coming again and you’re not going to stop the new enlightenment, the new renaissance. Get out of the way, all of you, you globalists that want to suppress technology, radical Islamists that want to suppress culture, it’s over. We’re the real liberals, America was exceptional and we’re bringing it back.



Ladies and gentleman thank you for joining us, we are now into the second hour. And, I’ve got to tell you I’m not a tribal person in the mindless sense of I go off what colour somebody is or I’m not a big joiner of groups, but I am pro human and I am pro justice. I physically get aggressive and feel hateful and feel, let’s just be honest, violent. It doesn’t mean I’m going to act on the violence, but its normal, genetic traits of an alpha male when he sees innocent people, men, women and children, being murdered by bullies, to want to attack them. And the globalists know how to show us the Jihadis and show us their arrogance, show us their classical evil. They’re animated by a spirit of evil, they look crazy, they look hateful, they look oppressive, they do just incredibly unchivalrous activities and then I see them persecuting innocent people. Murdering innocent Muslims, that’s the main group they kill, and Christians, and women and it makes me sick.


You know we talked with Lord Monkton yesterday about a period of about 500 years when there was a golden age of Islam when it actually promoted medicine and mathematics and science and actually helped Europe. But that whole time is over and the West, certain leftist elements of it, that’s who’s doing it, big foundations, are funding radical Islam. We’re going to talk to a real expert, the author of ‘On the Run, Emad Salem, life after undercover’, top FBI informer, Egyptian military officer who tried to stop the first World Trade Centre bombing, and they basically, the higher ups had the FBI stand down, that was a false flag. And we’re going to get his expert view on ISIS and what’s happening coming up.


Briefly, earlier, it’s very expensive for us to spend the type of money we have to send three reporters to Paris, France. One of the most expensive cities in the world. I’m not complaining about it, that’s why we do what we do here. It’s why we sell products. It’s why we have sponsors. It’s to build a media organisation that can really report on things, really break things and really find out what’s happening. We didn’t go out to France with an agenda, we went there to really see what was happening and that’s what we did. We’re reaching millions of new viewers and listeners because of it. The issue is though most people in the internet age think of media as free. They consume it for free and that’s great, that’s our goal but we need people to purchase the products. So I just want to ask listeners to partner with us going into this Christmas and holiday season, to shop with the good guys, to shop with the patriots and to support our local affiliates, to support those local sponsors and to buy short wave, AM/FM, weather radio, crank, solar systems, super high quality and infowarstore.com to buy non-GMO heirloom, non-hybrid seeds at inforwarstore.com. To get high quality water filtration systems, books, videos, pro-liberty, pro-gun, apparel. Hilary for prison apparel. Products like deep cleanse, that’s finally back in shock. G-Shock watches, we’re a distributor for them, a direct distributor and have the lowest retail you’ll find. You can match the price we have some other places but you’re not going to find lower. That’s the deal we’ve got for G-Shock watches. A lot of the best optics for your firearms, radio lanterns, just a lot of really cool stuff. Hilary laughing pen, some fun gag things as well. Keep stuff like info wars key chains, I mean you name it, it’s all about spreading the word. Info wars cups. I haven’t plugged the new cup, it’s got a sheepdog chasing a wolf on it. Talking about sheepdogs and wolves, inforwarstore.com, inforwarlives.coms.


Donald Trump now in national polls is 45, 46%, he’s gone up even more from the low forties last week. And you’ve got both political parties trying to demonise him. The reason he is so popular is he is engaging in basic populist activity is saying we deserve to be a sovereign country, we should have a government that puts the interests of the American people first. And that they call racist, that they call bad. They say it’s politically incorrect. Well so what the politically correct people push. Why do we have to sit there and listen to what they have to say any more? Why are we under this ridiculous gauntlet of guilt? Why do we continue to grovel in the face of all of this? Meanwhile, we’ve seen our basic human liberties trashed and we’ve seen Homeland Security expended and we see it targeting returning veterans, gun owners, conservatives, libertarians. We see the IRS persecuting in mass the most law-abiding citizens in the country and getting caught politically targeting them. MSNBC goes on air and says good we should target Christians and the tea party, they’re racist.


It’s so dangerous when you have Rasmussen polls with a large percentage of Democrats saying arrest people who don’t agree with man-made global warming. Or disarm gun owners and put them in prison or restrict their free speech. That’s why a Supreme Court Justice told Matt Judge this year that other members of the courts have said we’re coming in 2016 for your free speech, we are coming to restrict your free speech online, we’re going to shut you up and your time is quote limited. This is real. This is really happening. There is an authoritarian move taking place with the rhino, neo-con Republicans and the Democrats. Overseas, the exact same agenda is being pushed against populations there, where they act like, with all this fake consternation that it’s bizarre to say that there should be any vetting of any type of refugees into a country but then you’ve got to prove who you are to get a driver’s licence.


So what is the end game? The end game is to allow Jihad attacks all over the Western world and then have the West misdirected and attack innocent countries and innocent leaders, just like Saudi Arabia was involved in 9/11, we attacked Iraq. That’s now been declassified, it’s now been leaked, it’s now been admitted for 28 pages. Just like they’re now on the news saying attack the Syrian army and the Syrian people and the Syrian president because it’s his fault ISIS has a strong hold in Syria because he wasn’t good enough lead to defeat ISIS when our own government has been financing them and running them. I know I’ve talked a lot about this but man, if the public was politically and geopolitically informed at any level, Obama would be indicted. Obama would be arrested. Angela Merkel, Hollande, all of them are engaged in treason and I don’t say those words lightly. Our government overthrew the Egyptian government, what was it, four years ago for an entire year and put the Moslem brotherhood in charge while they were blowing up churches, crucifying people, attacking military bases, shooting members of the Egyptian military until 15 million people hit the streets and removed that government of Morrissey.


We’ve got an expert coming on who can break it down. He’s having some Skype issues right now, we’re about to go to him. And you think about how our ally for 33 years is overthrown and they don’t put some more democratic, more pro-Western group in, they put radicals in that want to destroy the West. Why? Why? Because then they can wreck the Middle East, the globalists can and they can wreck us to because the globalists have a philosophy of divide and conquer, deindustrialisation and Balkanisation and every secular government from Mohammed Mozadeq in 1953 in Iran, to the government of Hazi Mubarak, has been overthrown by the West because they do not want stability in those countries. The same reasons Saddam Hussein was removed and all these HBO movies made about how bad he was, a bunch of bull. Saddam Hussein is an angel compared to people like Al Qaeda. Saddam Hussein never attacked the United States. Saddam Hussein was told to attack Iran and given $40 billion by the United States and satellite Intel. We know he launched chemical attacks on the Kurds because the CIA gave him the directives and how to use it with his helicopters and his artillery.


And it’s wrong to set countries up, it’s wrong to destroy countries, it’s wrong to break up countries like they’re breaking up Syria and Iraq right now. And it is completely and totally cold-blooded. In other news, while we’re waiting for our guest to sort out audio we’re sorting it out, Oklahoma earthquake rumbles through nine states, there were no immediate reports of injuries or serious damage after a magnitude 4.7 earthquake struck Oklahoma and Kansas Thursday morning, authorities said. The quake shook parts of northern Oklahoma and southern Kansas at 1:42 AM according to the National earthquake information Centre near Cherokee, Oklahoma which lies 20 miles south of the Kansas border in the Ozark Mountains. The quake was nothing residents of the area are not used to, according to National Earthquake Information Centre geophysicist Randy Baldwin, who told the associated press that in 2015 he has felt more than 20 magnitude for earthquakes.


The point is that it’s heating back up. And I’m not worried about the Balconi’s Fault line through Austin, Texas and four extinct volcanoes. I’m not worried about the fault lines and the new madra and all of it up there. What I’m worried about is the ring of fire because every seismologist we’ve talked to, every report we’ve seen admits the entire ring of fire that caused tsunamis a decade ago and caused earthquakes in Japan and Fukushima, all of it, the only place that hasn’t triggered had its earthquake yet is the section that runs up from northern Baja up into Seattle and the main trigger point is smack down in those fault lines outside Los Angeles. The old classic statement that it may just break off and fall into the ocean is amazing. So they’re not saying it’s a question of if but when, they’re saying it’s imminent for a seven magnitude earthquake on the west coast any time. It’s a miracle, a miracle it hasn’t happened yet and you’re going to see highways collapse, you’re going to see buildings falling in, you are going to see some major death tolls when this sucker hits because they say it’s going to be one of the biggest ones ever recorded in modern seismology on the West Coast.


So just remember we are so worried about terrorism and all the rest of it, terrorism is one of the rarest forms of death in the West. It still is a problem obviously if you get killed by it or injured or loose family but we shouldn’t give up any of our liberties in the fight against terrorists because it won’t protect you anyways and that is what governments want. That said though, I don’t know why the West is opening the door to this. Now joining us for the balance of the hour is Emad Salem. Emadsalem.org he is the bestselling author of ‘On the Run, Life After Undercover’ if you want to understand what really happened with the situation back in the early 1990s with the first World Trade Centre bombing. He was there, he tried to stop it and was ordered to stand down. That’s even been in the New York Times. We’re going to go to a break here in a moment, and go through it all but Emad Salem is the former Egyptian military colonel who went undercover with the FBI and infiltrated the first Al Qaeda cell on American soil in New York City in ’93 World Trade Centre bombing. He also penetrated the headquarters of Al Qaeda in America, and the leadership of the Blind Sheikh, Omar Abdel Rahman and the underground terrorist cell who were planning to blow up the landmarks of New York City and become the government’s star witness on the day of terror trial.


He is the author of ‘Undercover, The Untold Story of Al Qaeda, the FBI, CIA and America’; you should get the book just to support somebody that has as much courage as he did. And of course the LA Times breaks down how powerful this book is as well in a review. Seeking a sense of purpose, FBI informant decides to tell all. We’re going to break in about a minute and a half. He wants to get into the attacks but let me ask you this question, we appreciate him coming on in the one minute we have. Colonel, is there a method behind the madness to bring in millions of people from known Wahabist, Jihad held areas into Europe and the United States, what is Obama, what is Merkel, what is the French president, what are they thinking?


ES:     Well I think bringing these refugees into our homeland is a big mistake and I think that will jeopardise the safety of the American people. And we got exposed to the day of mayhem in 1993, and thankfully we were able to foil that plot. The same day of mayhem happened in Paris on Friday and the lack of intelligence did not make the French people to be able to stand on top of the terrorists. At this time I think it’s a big mistake if we allow these people, they are Wahabist, are you said, they are Sunnis and we don’t know who is who.


AJ:     Well Colonel stay there, I want to come back because you’re the expert, you’ve infiltrated these groups all over the world. Stay with us Sir. You’re listening to the Alex Jones show, I’m Alex Jones. This is a short six minute segment, big long 18 minute segment coming up. Emad Salem is our guest. He was of course an Egyptian army colonel came over here to work with the CIA and the FBI, he already had moved here, began working with them to try to stop radical Jihad groups, the first Al Qaeda cell inside the United States. He is a specific expert obviously fighting Wahabist, fighting radical Sunnis and other groups here in the United States and overseas. He wants to go over his condolences to France, the similarity between the simultaneously attacks on France and the simultaneously bombing of the day of the terror attack on New York City they were planning, the Russian plane in Egypt and so much more.


So sir, please continue with your breakdown of, what is…I mean our governments aren’t stupid so what are they planning allowing these groups in that we know are going to end up attacking and have been attacking and then I specifically want to flesh out where you think ISIS is going in all of this and are they double crossing some of the Western governments that were aiding them in the fight against Assad?


ES:     Well, Alex, unfortunately if we allow this groups of Sunni Wahabist people to enter into our lands, there is no doubt in my mind that it will happen again. We already got attacked in 1993, by the same group, however different name it’s all the same ideology. We were able to stop five bombs from going simultaneously in the Holland tunnel, Lincoln tunnel, Washington bridge, the headquarters of the FBI in New York City and 26 Federal Plaza and the United Nations building. Unfortunately, they succeeded to pull that trick in France and the day of mayhem happened in France last week. My biggest condemnation to that cowardly attack to attack people who are not armed, civilian people who have nothing to do with their corrupt ideology and they attack them when they are on a particular day, having fun. If we allow these people, the same group, to enter into our homeland, it will happen again. But again, I don’t know if our government wanted that to happen again to start to take our liberty out of our hands more and more and put more restrictions on the media. Like you Alex, for example, I’m sure there is a lot of government and agencies who’d like to shut your show up.


AJ:     Yes, sir.


ES:     Unfortunately if we can’t stop this madness from happening before it happened and then they will say, oops, it happened again and they will let these people start to hurt the American people, to give them a reason to start to monitor more and to take our liberties out of our hands.


AJ:     And this from a former Egyptian army colonel, Emad Salem, who tried to stop the first World Trade Centre attack, the higher ups above him at the FBI were doing their job as well but they were basically counter-manded. So the bombing went forward and we know that story because he recorded them, he taped them, not just the terrorists, the government, basically involved in the partial stand down. For whatever reason that bombing went forward but you were able, as you said, to stop the other bombings. Looking at this situation in Europe, if we’re bringing in such large numbers of ISIS, just from a gut level, colonel, it tells me that when there are attacks, there’s going to be a lot more of them and they’re going to be bigger. Is that accurate to say?


ES:     It is very accurate Alex and there is something I would like to bring to the American people’s attention. Merkel in Germany was kind enough to open her doors to the immigrants and the consequences concept was really hefty, that on the day of the soccer game, they had the tip that there was a terrorist attack going to happen. They vacated the stadium and it never heard in the American mainstream media that they uncovered an ambulance loaded with explosives parked near the stadium ready to get blown up at the people of Germany. This has never been published in American mainstream media. I never heard it in American media.


AJ:     Colonel stay there, you’re going to have the floor when we come back because you have incredible credibility, New York Times, LA Times, everything you’ve ever talked about has been proven. I was not aware of this. Please tell us the sources, what happened. We know about the evacuation, the cancelling of the football game, the soccer game but I did not know that they actually had the explosives laden ambulance that was discovered. This is incredible, imagine if it would have gone off, it could have killed thousands. We’ll cover it all straight ahead. He was an army colonel in the Egyptian military who had a lot of experience dealing with radicals and extremists who want to seize power. The main group that is coming out of Saudi Arabia generally and that of course is the Wahabist, radical version of Sunni Muslim. Most Sunni Muslims are not radical, they don’t want to terrorise people but it is this group that continues to carry out most terror worldwide. And I want to get later into the fact that Egypt has been forced to now start working with Russia, our government has double crossed Egypt, on record. They’ve had trials there where it’s come out the Muslim brotherhood has been financed by Obama through Kenya.


I mean this is a really reckless, bizarre move by Obama. And I never believed that he secretly worked with radical Islam and had some plan, because I’ve been against conquering these countries, invading them, destabilising them. As folks know, I was against the Iraq war. But I now I see what Obama’s doing. It’s just not in the US interest, it’s not in anybody’s interest. It’s not in peoples interests in Sunni countries to be under these Wahabist. It just gets worse and worse and worse. And crazier. They’re catching just huge numbers of these folks coming in now and they’re bringing them in and Obama says he’ll veto a bill just to screen these people, who they admit five out of six passports are fake. These aren’t Syrian refugees, these are Jihadis that went in there to take over. I’m going to stop ranting.


Again, Colonel Emad Salem is the best-selling author of ‘On the run’ you can go to his website and find the book and read it and show it to your friends and family, Emad Salem.org. I’m going to tweet that out by the way at realalexjones and tell folks to get this hero’s book because he risked his life and a lot more to bring us this information. He’s telling you right now, specifically what’s going on so we ended, and I actually Googled it, sand here it is in the foreign press; ‘Ambulance full of explosives reportedly found near German stadium’ but we never heard this here in the United States as he said. So colonel, please continue.


ES:     Yes sir, you mentioned the Kenyan connection with the Muslim brotherhood. And that shows in Mr Obongo Obama. Mr Obongo Obama is Mr Barack Hussein’s brother in Kenya. And he is the main support line for the Muslim brotherhood in Africa. Unfortunately, the Muslim brotherhood started to blackmail Mr Obama, the Egyptian intelligence of course leaked to the media. If you have that newspaper, it’s called El Ahran newspaper, that is the governmental main issue newspaper, who talks on behalf of the government. Mr Obama succeeded to alienate Egypt from working and cooperating with America, eliminating Saudi Arabia from cooperating with America, and we know that we have Libya destabilised, we have Syria destabilised and we have Iraq under Iranian control.


Mr Obama unfortunately became alienated from this country, not getting their support in that kind of war. This is most Sunni Iraq countries, knows how to talk the talk and walk the walk when it comes to war on terrorists. But unfortunately, I don’t know why Mr Obama has to support the Muslim brotherhood. And you can see the headline in the El Ahran newspaper that the Muslim brotherhood is warning Mr Obama not to withdraw his support from them or they’re going to release documentation to jeopardise his throne.


AJ:     Wow, this is incredible because Dr Jerome Corsey as you know has worked in the Middle East for the State Department and done a lot of other work. He has published online daily a lot of what the Egyptian government and courts have brought out, including the documents but now, by Obama’s actions, from the threats of a year ago of blackmail, we see it’s working. That makes sense why Obama would do things that aren’t even good for him because his cousins and half-brothers and others are on record working with them. They are very daring that they would try to blackmail a president of the United States. It looks like, if you’re correct, and I think the evidence shows you are, they have really outclassed him and really double-crossed him. Can you expand on that and breakdown where you see this going and what you think ISIS and the Muslim brotherhood, kind of their spokesman, are going to do?


ES:     Well, at this time, this is the newspaper in the Middle East. If you see the intelligence on the Egyptian streets today, you can see how they portray Mr Obama, how they portray him with a big beard and a turban and they’re asking him to stop his support to the Muslim brotherhood because they are bombing inside Cairo. They are bombing inside the Muslim Arab countries and we want to open the door for them to come to America to start to carry their bombings as well up here. Unfortunately for Germany, they don’t want to admit this ambulance full of explosives because it is again is what the president of Germany had done, that allowed these people to enter her country and now they will start the bombings and they will start to suffer a great deal of pain from that fanatic group. If we let these people to enter here, we’re going to have the same consequences and then we will lose our liberty.


I want to go back to Mr Obama’s first speech in Egypt, in Cairo, Egypt, the first visit when he went there and he said to the Muslim brotherhood, „I am sorry for what America had done.“ I don’t understand what is Mr Obama apologising for. America was a great deal of help to Egypt at that time. We were giving the Egyptian military $1.5 billion dollars as in assets, as in help with their military. All of that then stopped and that allowed Saudi Arabia to step in with their money and then Putin has to step in to show his support to Egypt. America walked out of the Egyptian land and Putin put his roots up there. So we look at the first stage for Mr Obama, „I’m sorry for America I’m sorry for what America has done,“ and then you can see the behaviour after that.


Unfortunately, Mr President, you castrated the American military and the American influence around the world because America, when it is strong, you would have a lot of people wanting to relate to, today unfortunately I know for a fact that America is not being liked or respected by our Arab Sunni allies and we are not helping even our allies in the countries in the Middle East. On the contrary, he is trying to say that he is fighting the war but we are making only five bombings a day, more than 1,000 a day at the time when we were fighting real fights. Mr Obama unfortunately you weakened our country, you are not helping us.


AJ:     Let me ask you this kernel because I don’t think I’ve had anybody on that boils it down, that crystallises it like you do. Everything you say, I mean I look at the news every day, it’s all true. I sit back and I think I had a blindside because I know our government is not perfect, it’s done things, it’s been corrupt, all governments have problems. We try to influence them to be better, that’s why we get involved just like you did in your government. But I used to hear Obama wants to bring down America, he wants to destroy our influence, he wants to sabotage us. I went look the Democrats have got problems but that’s not what they’re really doing. Now everything they do, from our borders to our energy being cut off to our jobs to the regulations to Obama care designed direct healthcare. I mean I’ve read it, I know what it does. It’s designed to…just everything he does it’s like he’s a sleeper cell or something to destroy the country. I tell you, I’ve never been more, not even afraid, it’s more shocked.


I just am in disbelief and then I wonder what is he going to pull next and why would our elites finance him to do this. I want to believe that there is a method behind the madness, even if it’s evil. But then I come to the realisation, I’ve talked to a lot of high-level generals current and retired and other people, and they said no, you don’t understand. Literally the government is being run by Obama and a few people. They think they know what they’re doing, they’re completely insane, they believe their leftist ideology and that’s why the whole world is so scared and trying to aim their nuclear weapons at us again is because it appears that we do have crazy people running things. Do you disagree with that? Can you elaborate or what’s your view?


ES:     I agree with you 100% on that, Alex, because I Obama has apologised about what America is doing bringing democracy and trying to bring peace into the Middle East. Mr Obama used to sit in his church listening for his minister, Mr Wright, when he was damning America, when he is attacking America. He accepted that and attended the church for years and years. Once he had the opportunity to become the president of the United States, he started to castrate the power of America and lower the energy of the American influence around the world. That opened the door and vacuum for ISIS to take place in Iraq in Syria, spread to Libya now they are heading to Egypt, now they are in France. They are just about to head into Germany. They succeeded to stop them this time.


And if we allow them to open our doors to immigrants to enter our homes, I’m not a conspiracy theorist but I am afraid that if they allow these people to walk in, that is going to be a false flag operation to let them bomb America. Then they say oops, they bombed America, we have two monitor America more and take your guns and take your liberty and take everything. Even the mainstream media today has started to be controlled by the government. It is sad. This is not the America I immigrated to 30 years ago. This is not America which I put my life and my family’s life on the line for. Mr Obama, please, please help American, don’t weaken America and don’t listen to Mr Pastor who used to explain to you that America should be doomed with what we are trying to accomplish. America can lead the war. America cannot be led by Russia. Russia today have influence in the Middle East, in Egypt, in Saudi Arabia, in Germany, in Iran, in Iraq, in Syria, are we going to wait until it’s here?


AJ:     And you said this over a year ago, Colonel Salem, and now it’s all gotten more obvious and again it’s not that I’m against Russia, but the whole point is, why would…it’s one thing if the US pulled out influence wise but it actually backed the radical Al Qaeda, Al Nuzra groups that became ISIS in Syria. So it’s even worse. It’s not just pulling out, it’s putting bad guys in. I mean what Obama think, what did the CIA think, because we’ve had the military whistle-blowers on, CIA pilots on, we’ve had Colonel Schaffer on. One week after Benghazi happened, they said it was a weapons transfer up to those groups and now it’s been proven. But didn’t they know ISIS would turn against them? I guess you said it. Then when ISIS attacks us they think we’re so politically illiterate, they take our rights, like this congresswoman in Illinois says, take our guns because ISIS shot people. Well I mean they have a gun ban in France, how do you blame what happened in France on my guns?


ES:     Well this is one of the parlances Mr Obama is trying to do, he is trying to control everybody in America, taking your rights, taking your guns, taking, stripping you from your rights so he can control you. You cannot defend yourself, you cannot stand up for your rights and executive order, he has a phone and a pen. Unfortunately, he is using that very well to weaken America. If Mr Obama really loves the Syrian people, what did he do when the Syrian people got gassed by Mr Bashar Assad? What did he do about his red line to Mr Assad if he gassed his people? Why didn’t he take care of the Syrian people before they get smothered in their homeland to the point that they start to emigrate to Europe and to start to come to invade the Western world? He gave ISIS the time to grow up as much as he gave Iran the time by slacking and lacking on the deal he had done with them, which is a catastrophe to give Iran that power. And there he is giving them the time, giving them the money, the billions of dollars they are going to get it back. It’s going to go into terrorism again and all of that will work against America. I don’t know why, I don’t know what he is thinking.


AJ:     Alright, sir, stay there, we’re going to come back with two more short segments with you, the book ‘On the Run’, everyone should get it, it’s an incredible story of how he tried to stop it, even the FBI tried to stop it and they were ordered to stand down. They stopped a whole bunch of the bombings but not the one that almost took down the World Trade Centres. So a very, very important book for folks to read.



AJ:     We’re witnessing a treasonous policy so evil two years ago hundreds of commissioned and non-commissioned officers, as high up as colonels and captains in the navy, put out images of themselves on Facebook and Twitter holding up signs saying I will not be Al Qaeda’s air force in Syria. When our government was openly backing rebels that they knew were Al Qaeda and Colonel Schafer went and testified to congress, in closed session, in committee, we had him on about that, others did. So it was a great moral moment where our military said we’re not going to be part of this. But the public is ignorant because they’re not geopolitically informed. And what’s left of this segment next, we’re going to be talking to a man who is really a premier expert on this, talking about the Russian airliner downed, more on what ISIS is doing and where he thinks all this is going and ways to stop this.




ES:     On the Russian bombing, they finally uncovered that it was 2lb of explosives. Unfortunately, ISIS are playing a game here. I have been in Sharm el Sheik airport so many times and I know how secure that airport is. But unfortunately, I think that ISIS succeeded to recruit somebody who is carrying the luggage in the back of the plane in the cargo area and they succeeded to sneak the real bomb, not the one they put on their website. They succeeded to bring this plane down. It is the beginning of a new era for terrorism. Unfortunately today, they brought a Russian jet down and I don’t know what will happen tomorrow if we let these Syrian people who is bringing brought up with the idea…


AJ:     Stay there, back in 70 seconds colonel, with Dr Corsey.


And we are back live ladies and gentleman, final segment with Emad Salem, Emad Salem.org, barely got in here during the break out there, printing off articles, going over breaking news we’re going to be covering at the start of the next segment. Colonel, in the last four or five minutes we have left you have the floor to finish up, points and topics you’d like to relay with your incredible breadth and depth of knowledge. I can’t think of someone who can be more informed about what’s happening in Egypt, more informed about what’s happening in Syria. You got cut off pointing out that the Syrian people were ‘many of them ingrained with a very deep’ and then you got cut off.


ES:     Yes Sir, the Syrian refugees, most of them were brought up in a Middle Eastern controlled country by the ideology of hating the west, the west to them is the infidels, unfortunately. If we open up our doors to them instead of we go and securing our borders to prevent any trespassing on the American borders, we open the doors from the other side by Mr Obama’s decision to let them in. I just want to mention that what happened in Benghazi. Benghazi started from Egypt because at that time simultaneously, when the Benghazi attack was going on, the blind Sheikh’s children, which is Dr Abdullah, they were demonstrating and setting fire in the American embassy in Cairo. Our intelligence uncovered and intercepted some communications, it didn’t broadcast it at the time but has since disappeared, that they informed their followers in Benghazi to set a fire in it. That’s when we lost our ambassador. It started in Egypt, it ends up in Benghazi. It was a deal of weapons to these people who we aren’t even sure these weapons one day, if we give it to them, it will be used against us.


Unfortunately, we didn’t learn from our lesson when we allowed the blind Sheikh to enter the country and he turned against the country and ordered me to go build a bomb and blow up the World Trade Centre and build a bomb and go blow it in the army and 96th Street in Manhattan. So we need to understand that these people talk from both sides of their mouths. They might be saying yes we are coming to America because we love America but we have to really understand what are we doing, who are we letting in. I don’t think it’s a good idea. I don’t think it is safe for the American people to let these people grow and grow into our country at this time. We have to strengthen our military again. We have to start to lead, not to be led. And not to give time to ISIS to grow. What happened with what ISIS since they were the Jihadi team? We gave them the time to grow, now they are taking over Syria, they are taking over Iraq, they have been in Libya, they went back to Egypt. They are bombing everywhere, Paris, Germany, and now we want to bring them in. It just spells catastrophe.


AJ:     It does, Colonel Emad Salem, thank you for your courage, your amazing analysis. Emad Salem.org, folks get his book ‘On The Run’. Thank you so much, sir, for joining us today. Folks, you can find the book at Amazon.com as well, ‘On The Run’. Emad Salem, thank you and have a great weekend coming up.


ES:     Thank you Sir.


AJ:     We’ll be back with Dr Corsey. Dr Jerome Corsey joins us till about 33 after so, then we’re going to open the phones up specifically on what do you think Obama, and Merkel, and Hollande’s end game is bringing in millions in the case of Europe, hundreds of thousands in the case of the US, that’s the real number, of radicals, many of which do intend to engage in terror attacks. This is one of the craziest actions I’ve ever seen. I had a big whistle-blower on, a former Egyptian colonel, author of ‘On The Run’, Emad Salem on, he’s the guy that exposed and tried to stop the first World Trade Centre attack. He stopped five other attacks but the FBI was ordered to stand down. He was on saying he believes it will be another false flag. This is Obama’s false flag to bring these people in to then take our liberties. Now folks now I like Donald Trump, and Dr Jerome Corsey knows Donald Trump and has worked with him on a lot of big stories. I tell you Trump has come out and said surveillance state will combat Islam, in a Yahoo news interview. The interview is up on Infowars.com.


He says databases and special IDs will be issued, and he says folks aren’t going to like giving up their rights but basically you have to. No, you don’t let him bring the refugees in, you go after people with profiling for what they’ve committed or who they’re affiliated with. You don’t go after the entire public. That is not the answer. In fact I’ve had former head of technical from the NSA in this studio and he said more data swamps everything, they need targeted. But see that doesn’t let them spend tens of billions a year on no bid contracts. There’s another article out today about this from RT USA, leaked NSA doc reveals sheer luck needed to find useful info in sea of surveillance data. Well I have that from Thomas Drake, William Benning, you name it.


Now of course Dr Jerome Corsey is World Net Daily.com, WND.com writer. He’s a PHD from Harvard University in political science. He’s also an economist and worked for some of the biggest banks out there. He’s worked as a consultant in terrorism, in secretive operations for the state department and of course he’s the guy that ran the Swift boating operation, which was accurate, I commend him, I don’t even like George Bush. John Kerry is, who they say John Kerry was, total fraud. And he’s also written many other best-selling books, and number one New York Times bestselling books, jeromecorsey.com. So Dr Corsey, this is even getting too crazy for me to believe. I’ve had reporters in France all week, we see attacks in the US like at Fort Hood, and the army, navy, marine corps recruiting centres not being called terror. The Garland attack not being called terror. The best that I can tell from talking to you, talking to Emad Salem and many others, Obama’s gotten in over his head, he’s being blackmailed through Benghazi, probably blackmailed by the Saudis, by the Turks.


Was die Medien hierzulande verschweigen: Der Anschlag im Bataclan war ein vernich­tungsantisemitisch motivierter Anschlag.


Zum Terror in Paris

Heinz Gess


Zitation: Gess, Heinz (2015): Bataclan. Zum Terror in Paris, in: Kritiknetz – Zeitschrift für Kritische Theorie der Gesellschaft © 2015 bei www.kritiknetz.de, Hrsg. Heinz Gess, ISSN 1866-4105


Was die Medien hierzulande verschweigen: Der Anschlag im Bataclan war ein vernich­tungsantisemitisch motivierter Anschlag.

Zur Erinnerung: Tagelang wurde in den hie­sigen Medien verschwiegen, dass der An­schlag auf die Redaktion der Satire Zeitschrift Charlie Hebdo ein vernichtungsantisemitisch motiviertes Pogrom war; tagelang damit hin­ter dem Berg gehalten, dass der Supermarkt, in dem die Islamisten mordeten, ein jüdischer Supermarkt war und bewusst als jüdischer ausgewählt war, um möglichst viele Juden töten zu können.

Erst als dass nicht mehr zu verheimlichen war, gab die Medienindustrie hierzulande ihr beredtes Schweigen auf. So tief saß die Angst, das Standortkapital könnte sich ein Geschäft verderben: Muss ich noch sagen mit wem?

Nicht anders war es vor dem Gaza-Krieg der Hamas gegen Israel, der nicht damit endete, dass die Juden von den Raketen der Hamas ins Meer getrieben wurden, sondern mit der Zerstörung der Stätte der vernichtungsanti­semitisch motivierten Täter und ihrer zivilen Helfer und Helfershelfer. Sechs Wochen lang beschoss die Hamas von Gaza aus das Kern­land Israels mit Raketen, die bis nach Tel Aviv reichten. Es gab Tote und viele Verletz­te, aber die hiesigen Medien berichteten da­von nichts. Kein Wort – weder in den Fern­sehnachrichten noch in der Presse. Es war, als hätte in der Zentrale für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda der Führer den Befehl erteilt, nicht darüber zu berichten, damit man die israelischen Juden auf die Anklagebank set­zen und den Schuldspruch über sie verhän­gen kann, wenn sie die Gegenwehr organisie­ren. Genau so kam es dann auch. Als die israelische Armee nach sechs Wochen und vielen vorherigen Warnungen zum massiven Gegenschlag ausholte, ließ die Kulturindustrie hierzulande ihre hetzende Meute los und es gab kein Halten mehr. Bis heute hält sich das von den hiesigen Medien in die Welt gesetzte Gerücht, Netanjahu sei schuld an dem, was im Gaza Krieg geschehen sei.

Ich schrieb damals darüber im Kritiknetz – http://bit.ly/WvAsGG – und sagte zwei Wo­chen, bevor der israelische Gegenschlag er­folgte, diesen Ablauf voraus. Und genau so kam es, als sei es das Natürlichste von der Welt. So tief sitzt der Wunsch hierzulande, sich nur ja kein Geschäft mit den antisemitischen Todfeinden der „Zionisten“ entgehen zu lassen.

So auch jetzt wieder: Die Internetseite „Li­zas Welt“ (Bataclan, Ein antisemitischer An­schlag, 15.11.2015) kommentiert die Mord­serie in Paris wie folgt: „Als »Hauptstadt der Prostitution und des Lasters« hat der »Isla­mische Staat die französische Kapitale Paris in seinem Statement zu den koordinierten Terroranschlägen vom Freitagabend bezeich­net. Dass sie dabei auch das »Bataclan« im beliebten elften Arrondissement als An­schlagsziel auswählten und dort mordeten, 89 Menschen sind es nach dem derzeitigen Stand, war alles andere als ein Zufall. Denn das seit 1865 bestehende Veranstaltungslokal am Boulevard Voltaire wurde bis vor kurzem von jüdischen Eigentümern geführt, Pascal und Joel Laloux. Im September verkauften die beiden nach 40 Jahren die Konzerthalle, weil sie – wie so viele französische Juden in diesem Jahr – nach Israel auswanderten. Zuvor hatte es dort regelmäßig proisraelische Veranstaltungen gegeben, beispielsweise eine jährliche Gala der jüdischen Organisation Migdal zugunsten der israelischen Grenzpoli­zei Magav. Seit 2007 befand sich das Theater deshalb im Visier „antizionistischer“ Gruppen.

Im Januar und im Dezember 2008 kam es jeweils zu heftigen Protestaktionen, vor allem die zweite Manifestation hatte es in sich. Eine Gruppe vermummter Demonstranten mit Palästinensertüchern drohte damals: „Wenn das Bataclan und Migdal wie in den vergan­genen Jahren eine Gala für Magav organisie­ren, die Grenzpolizei der israelischen Armee, werden das die Leute nicht mehr unterstüt­zen, und ihr werdet die Konsequenzen eurer Taten tragen. Das nächste Mal kommen wir nicht zum Reden.“ 2011 sagte ein Mitglied der salafistischen Terrorgruppe »Jaish al­Islam« (Armee des Islam) der französischen Wochenzeitschrift »Le Point« zufolge bei ei­nem Verhör des französischen Inlandsgeheimdienstes: »Wir planen einen Anschlag auf das Bataclan, weil die Eigentümer Juden sind.« Im September 2015 wurde bekannt, dass sich »Jaish al-Islam« dem »Islamischen Staat« angeschlossen hat.

Auch die »Eagles of Death Metal«, die an diesem Abend ein Konzert im »Bataclan« gaben, standen im Fokus der Terroristen. Denn erst unlängst spielte die Band im »Bar­by Club« in Tel Aviv, und dabei bekundete ihr Frontmann Jesse Hughes laut der Tageszei­tung »Jerusalem Post« offensiv seine Solida­rität mit Israel. »Einen Ort wie diesen würde ich nie boykottieren!«, sagte er, und: »Ich habe mich nie zuvor so zu Hause gefühlt wie hier!« Der »Pink Floyd«-Mitbegründer Roger Waters – ein besonders penetranter Aktivist der antiisraelischen BDS-Bewegung, die für Boykotte, Desinvestitionen und Sanktionen gegen den jüdischen Staat eintritt – hatte die »Eagles« zuvor in einer E-Mail aufgefordert, nicht in Israel aufzutreten. Hughes sagte während des Konzertes, er habe ihm in ledig­lich zwei Wörtern geantwortet (»F*ck you!«).

»Der Feind wird nur dann zum absoluten Feind, wenn er als Kollaborateur der Juden und ihrer unmittelbaren Verbündeten identifi­ziert ist«, schrieb Gerhard Scheit bereits vor elf Jahren in seinem Buch »Suicide Attack« über die Logik der Selbstmordattentate. Die Täter im »Bataclan« haben die Veranstalter, die Band und die Konzertgäste samt und sonders als solche absoluten Feinde identifi­ziert und deshalb nicht gezögert, sie zu exe­kutieren, solange die Munition reichte. Als schließlich die Polizei eintraf, haben sie ihre Sprengstoffgürtel gezündet. Es war dies die »Fortsetzung des Pogroms mit anderen Mit­teln« als »Privatisierung staatlicher Vernich­tungsaktionen« (Scheit), »die Intention wird ohne direkte Verfügung über das Gewaltmo­nopol des Staates verfolgt – so hat die Aktion selbst den Anschein von Ohnmacht und bietet sich der Deutung als >Verzweiflungstat< an«.

Wie nicht anders zu erwarten, macht deshalb einmal mehr die kreuzdumme Frage die Run­de, was »wir« »ihnen« bloß angetan haben, dass sie »so etwas« tun.

Unterschlagen wird demgegenüber in der Berichterstattung hierzulande, dass es sich bei dem opferreichsten Angriff von Paris um einen antisemitischen Anschlag handelt. Ob die Ermordeten selbst jüdisch sind oder nicht, spielt dabei eine untergeordnete Rolle, denn entscheidend ist in diesem Zusammenhang die Intention der Täter – und die ist eindeu­tig. Dass darüber gleichwohl nicht gespro­chen wird, sagt eine Menge aus. Um keinen Preis will man eine Linie von Paris nach Israel ziehen, wo man Selbstmordattentaten schon zu Beginn des Jahrtausends und anderen Formen islamistischen Terrors täglich ausge­setzt ist. Konsequenterweise wird der jüdi­sche Staat fast immer ausgespart, wenn die Medien Übersichtskarten veröffentlichen, auf denen Orte von Anschlägen verzeichnet sind. Und er fehlt auch in Bilderstrecken von Soli­daritätskundgebungen für die Opfer des Ter­rors, obwohl in Israel nach Ereignissen wie in Paris regelmäßig demonstriert wird.“ Soweit aus Lizas Welt.

Ich will aus meinem Herzen keine Mörder­grube machen:

Statt die Pogrome auf israelische Juden in Israel und die kriegerischen Angriffe auf Isra­el als das zu kennzeichnen was sie sind, nämlich vernichtungsantisemitisch motivierte Mordtaten, wird verkehrt herum Israel regel­mäßig von der EU an den Pranger gestellt und dem islamistischen Terror als Sünden­bock geradezu aufgedrängt. Der islamische Djihad, der die westliche Lebensweise frontal angreift, soll als Missbrauch des Herrschafts­anspruchs des Islam gelten, den der Prophet zu seinen Lebzeiten in vielen Kriegen und Massakern an jüdischen Stämmen in Arabien, die sich seinem Herrschaftsanspruch nicht fügen wollten, unmissverständlich erhoben und im Koran als angeblich,ewiges Wort Got­tes‘ fixiert hat. Derselbe Djihadismus indes wird, wenn er sich nur und nur gegen Israel richtet und den übrigen Westen verschont, als gerechtfertigt hingestellt. Israel wird uni­sono verurteilt, selbst Schuld an dem djiha­distischen Krieg zu sein, mit dem es seit es existiert überzogen wird. So wird Israel stell­vertretend für die Schuld der Schuldigen – für die Schuld und das alte Unrecht, die im Kapi­talismus im Tausch und in der Warenförmig­keit der lebendigen Arbeitkraft versteckt sind – zum Sündenbock gemacht und dem djiha­distischen Islamismus preisgegeben. Die übli­chen aggressiven Rationalisierungen für die Preisgabe Israels sind: ,Israel ist der Nazi­staat von heute‘. ,Israel tut den palästinensi­schen Arabern an, was die Nazis den Juden angetan haben.‘ ,Israel ist die größte Gefahr für den Weltfrieden‘, also ,unser Unglück‘ (Treitschke)„Israel ist ein Staat, der auf Landraub beruht‘, ein Apartheidstaat‘ oben­drein etc. In diesen Rationalisierungen wa­schen die Hintergrundtäter Europas ihre Hän­de in Unschuld, wie dereinst der Römer Pon­tius Pilatus, als er Jesus um der römischen Herrschaft willen opferte.

In aller Schärfe formuliert: das ideologische Geschäft auf Gegenseitigkeit, das gegenwär­tig zwischen den politischen Ökonomen und ökonomischen Politikern im konformistischen Westen und islamischen Osten zugange ist, heißt: ,Wir definieren Israel als Missbrauch der westlichen Lebensform und überlassen es euch, den „Missbrauch“ mit unserer finanziel­len und politischen Unterstützung (s. Kenn­zeichnungspflicht israelischer Waren aus den umstrittenen Gebieten) zu bekämpfen, wenn ihr eurerseits bereit seit, den islamischen Djihad, sofern er den Westen angreift, mit uns zusammen als Missbrauch des Islam zu definieren und zu bekämpfen.‘ Es ist das ural­te verbrecherisch-satanische Spiel der Herrschaft mit den Juden, die seit 2000 Jahren als stellvertretende Sühneopfer für ihre Schuld herhalten müssen. Die Stelle des römischen Imperiums nimmt heute die EU ein, und wo einst Pontius Pilatus und Augustus ihre Hän­de in Unschuld wuschen, waschen sich heute Junker, Merkel, Hollande und Abbas, ihr Stellvertreter in Israel, ihre Hände in Un­schuld. Nichts haben die Herrschaften aus der Shoa gelernt, wirklich nichts, gar nichts außer wie noch tiefer und noch raffinierter zu ver­drängen und zu rationalisieren sei! Wie soll­ten sie auch etwas gelernt haben, wo der Antisemitismus die reale Gegenbewegung zur Bewegung der menschlichen Emanzipation von gesellschaftlicher Herrschaft ist, und sie die letzten sind, die diese wollen. Die Freiheit und Gleichheit, die sie meinen, ist stets nur die Freiheit und Gleichheit in den Fesseln des Kapitals. .

Weil mir die Anschläge in Paris und vor allem das beharrliche Verschweigen des vernich­tungsantisemitischen Hintergrundes dieser mörderischen Aktionen keine Ruhe ließen, habe ich einige Texte des Kritiknetzes zur Kritik des islamischen Antisemitismus, islami­schen Djihadismus, Israelfeindschaft, der Lage in Frankreich etc auf der Startseite des www.Kritiknetzes.de versammelt und emp­fehle Ihnen mit Angabe der Links ihre Lektü­re. So können Sie sich sehr rasch über die Hintergründe informieren.


Gegenaufruf gegen den demagogischen Auf­ruf „Rassisten sind eine Gefahr, nicht Musli­me“. Feindbild Islamkritik.

Alain Finkielkraut? Nicht islamophil, ergo ein Rassist! Rezension und Kommentare zu A. Finkielkrauts Essay „L’identitd malheureuse“ („Die unglückliche Identität“)


Israel, Palästina und der Nahostkonflikt. Eine  Kritik an Günter Pohls Artikel „Kein Frieden in Sicht, aber eine dritte Intifada“ aus der „UZ“ vom 23. – http://bit.ly/1GQciUu

Der Islam in Frankreich und Badious Utopie des Grauens – http://bit.ly/1FBUF6n

Patriarchale Zwänge und Antisemitismus bei Kindern von Migranten. Patriarchale und anti­semitische Weltbilder bei Jugendlichen kön­nen überwunden werden


Politische Psychologie des Djihadismus. Zur politischen Psychologie der „Djihadisten“ aus westlichen Ländern – http://bit.ly/1GNHk9t

Die Attraktion des „Kalifats“. Politik letzter Menschen – http://bit.ly/181clute

Gesellschaftliche Herrschaft und Antisemitis­mus in         der       Weltgesellschaft

Antisemitismus als Denkform


Judith Butler und Theodor W. Adorno im his­torisch-gesellschaftlichen Kontext

Xenophobie und Antisemitismus im Neolibe­ralismus. Zur Pathologie kapitalistischer Kri­senbewältigung – http://bit.ly/1PJwImy]




Kommentar zur Kennzeichnungs­pflicht von Waren aus den umstrit­tenen Gebieten in Israel:

Die Kennzeichnung jüdischer Produkte ist sehr alt. Im mittelalterlichen Europa wurde den Juden die Produktion von Waren gänz­lich verboten. Deshalb wurden sie häufig als Geldverleiher oder in anderen Dienstleis­tungsberufen tätig. Das änderte aber nichts am Antijudaismus der Christen, sondern verschob nur deren antijudaistisches Stereotyp bzw. reicherte es um eine zusätzliche Kom­ponente an: „Der Jude“ war nun nicht mehr der zur Erlösung und Anerkennung von Jesus als den Christus (Erlöser) existenziell unfähi­ge Sohn Satans, sondern darüber hinaus auch noch der betrügerische Händler, der nicht von der eigenen Hände Arbeit lebt wie der schaffende, opferbereite Christ, sondern von der Ausbeutung der Arbeit Anderer durch den Geldhandel. (s. dazu mehr in: Heinz Gess, „Eine treue Vermahnung an alle Chris­ten“, sich zu hüten vor Antisemitismus, Isra­elfeindschaft und Wölfen in Schafspelzen“ – http://bit.ly/1PNM4Dr)

Die Nazifaschisten forderten, kaum hatte die deutsche politische Klasse ihnen die Führung überlassen, das deutsche Volk sogleich auf: „Deutsche, kauft nicht beim Juden“. Später ergänzten sie den Kaufboykott jüdischer Pro­dukte aus dem ,von Juden infiltrierten Deutschland‘ durch die Kennzeichnungspflicht von Juden selbst zum Zwecke der „Volksauf­klärung“ darüber, wer hier hingehört und wer nicht. Heute fordert die EU-Obrigkeit ihre Mitglieder auf, jüdische Waren aus den „be­setzten Gebieten“ (die in Wahrheit nicht be­setzt sind, weil sie niemals zu „Palästina“ gehörten, das es nie gab. Vielmehr sind sie zwischen Juden und Arabern, die sich „paläs­tinensisches Volk“ nennen, umstritten.) zu kennzeichnen. Auch das geschieht angeblich um der „Volksaufklärung“ willen, um die „die Völker“ darüber aufzuklären, dass jüdische Produkte dort nichts zu suchen und Juden dort nicht zu produzieren haben. Da stellt sich dem Hellhörigen gleich die Frage: Wieso dürfen dann Juden dort überhaupt leben, und wie sollen sie dort leben, ohne zu produzie­ren? Etwa nur als Geldverleiher? Wäre es nicht besser, nicht nur die Produkte der Ju­den, sondern sie selbst auch um der Volksau­klärung willen zu kennzeichnen, damit „die Völker“ wissen, wer in die umstrittenen Ge­biete hinein gehört und wer eben nicht. So informiert könnten die europäischen Käufer noch besser die – im Jargon der EU-Oberen -,richtige Kaufentscheidung“ treffen und die jüdischen Waren mitsamt ihren Erzeugern boykottieren.

Türkische Erzeugnisse aus dem besetzten Zypern, ein EU-Staat, marokkanische Roh­stoffe aus der von Marokko besetzten West­sahara, Produkte aus Tibet, das von China vereinnahmt wurde, und Einfuhren aus unge­zählten weiteren Gebieten mit umstrittenen Grenzverläufen erregen dagegen keinen An­stoß in der EU. Man will sich eben das gute Geschäft nicht verderben lassen, wie antise­mitisch, hasserfüllt, menschenverachtend die Regimes auch immer sind, mit denen man solche Geschäfte macht, sei es der Iran, der schon den Termin, bis zu dem es Israel ver­nichtet haben wird, bekannt gegeben hat, sei es Saudi-Arabien, Katar oder wer auch im­mer. Lieber gibt man Israel preis und heult mit den Wölfen.

Auch das gehört wie üblich dazu: Die christli­che Herrschaft (EU-Obrigkeit) des Kapitals, versteckt die von ihr erlassenen Sanktionen gegen Israel hinter Verordnungen und Sta­tements, die den Anschein erwecken sollen, als seien sie unparteiisch, neutral und nur dem Weltfrieden verpflichtet, den Israel an­geblich gefährdet, während doch jeder, der seine fünf Sinne noch beisammen hat, weiß, dass in der EU nichts anderes zählt als das Geschäft des Standortkapitals – nach innen und nach außen, und dazu noch ohne jede demokratische Kontrolle. Denn einen demo­kratisch-republikanischen europäischen Sou­verän gibt es nicht, und die Nationalstaaten sind ebenfalls nicht mehr souverän, weil sie einen großen Teil ihrer Souveränität an das undemokratische Bürokratiemonster EU ab­getreten haben.

(Heinz Gess, 16.11.2015)


Merkel Covered Up Terror Attack at Soccer Stadium.

Für deutsche Staatsmedien ist am islamistischen Terror nicht der Islam, sondern die Arbeitslosgkeit schuld.


Kaum haben BILD und FAZ eine Geschichte aufgegriffen, die gestern auf der achse stand, hat das ZDF den Beitrag über die Ursachen des Terrors in Paris aus der Mediathek entfernt. Was da ausgerechnet im Kinderprogramm geboten wurde, ist vorher keinem der vielen ZDF-Kommissare aufgefallen. Wir wollen ihnen zugute halten, dass sie lieber RTL2 schauen als das eigene Programm. Allerdings, der nicht minder bescheuerte Beitrag über “die Gruppe” Boko Haram, deren Treiben mit dem Islam “nichts zu tun” hat, ist noch immer online. Und das ist auch gut so. Auf dem Lerchenberg hat man nämlich mit Journalismus “nichts zu tun” und pflegt lieber die hauseigene verlogene “Fehlerkultur”.


Die Menschen sind oft arbeitslos und wissen nicht was sie tun sollen und das macht sie wütend. Und wenn sie wütend werden, dann morden sie, ist doch logo.

Damals war Frankreich mehr als das Land, das wir auf der Karte sehen. Es war eine Art Weltreich. Dazu gehörte auch der größte Teil Nord- und Westafrikas. Die meisten Menschen dort haben die Religion Islam. Frankreich hatte diese Länder einfach mit seiner starken Armee besetzt und zu seinem Besitz erklärt. Das nennt man Kolonie. Die Franzosen nahmen sich in den Kolonnen, was sie brauchen konnten, und die Bevölkerung wurde immer ärmer. Später kämpften die Kolonien nach und nach für ihre Unabhängigkeit und versuchten, die französischen Herrscher wieder loszuwerden.

Die versuchten, das zu verhindern. Es kam zu langen Kriegen, bei denen sehr viele Menschen starben. Heute hat Frankreich keine Kolonien mehr. Aber viele Menschen aus den ehemaligen Kolonien sind nach Frankreich gezogen in der Hoffnung auf ein besseres Leben. Die meisten von ihnen leben dort heute in Armenvierteln an den Rändern der Großstädte. Sie sind oft arbeitslos und wissen nicht was sie tun sollen und das macht sie wütend.

Als einzige Hoffnung bleibt ihnen nur ihre Religion, meist der Islam. Dazu kommt die Erinnerung an das, was die Franzosen früher in den Kolonien, also ihren Heimatländern, Schreckliches gemacht haben. Bei manchen geht die Wut so weit, dass sie im Namen ihrer Religion gewalttätig werden. In keinem anderen Land schließen sich so viele der Terrorgruppe „Islamischer Staat“ an wie in Frankreich. Diese Gruppe bekämpft alle, die anders denken als sie, oft mit brutaler Gewalt, und eben auch in Frankreich. Hier


ZDF: Auch Boko Haram hat mit dem Islam nichts zu tun

Henryk M. Broder 19.11.2015

ZDF: Auch Boko Haram hat mit dem Islam nichts zu tun


“Die Boko Haram ist eine Gruppe von Terroristen. Ihr Name heisst übersetzt so viel wie: Westliche Bildung ist Sünde. Die Boko Haram will, dass Kinder in Schulen vor allem nach sehr strikten Regeln des Islam erzogen werden. Menschen, die sich nicht an die strengen Regeln des Islam halten oder eine andere Religion haben, bekämpft die Terror-Gruppe mit Gewalt. Aber: Mit der Religion Islam haben die Terroranschläge der Boko Haram nichts zu tun…”

Wo kommt dieser Dünnschiss, diese Verspottung aller Logik her? Natürlich aus dem ZDF, der Endlagerstätte der deutschen Erziehung, auf dem Mainzer Lerchenberg. Genauer: Aus der Nachrichtensendung für Kinder, Logo im Tivi.. Los geht es mit der Feststellung, in Nigeria käme es immer wieder zu Attacken auf Schulen. Und: “Die Gruppe, die dafür verantwortlich sein soll heißt Boko Haram.” Gruppe klingt schon mal viel besser als Bande, und weil man beim ZDF nicht riskieren möchte, dass Boko Haram eine EV wegen übler Nachrede erwirkt, ist die “Gruppe” nicht für die Überfälle auf Schulen verantwortlich, sie könnte es nur sein. Also, für alle, die noch nie einen Handkäs mit Musik gegessen haben, ganz langsam und zum Mitschreiben. Boko Haram will, dass Kinder in den Schulen nach den strikten Regeln des Islam erzogen werden; Boko Haram bekämpft alle, die sich nicht an die strengen Regeln des Islam halten oder eine andere Religion haben, mit Gewalt. Aber: Mit dem Islam hat das alles nichts zu tun.

Womit dann, Ihr Riesenzwerge? Haben die Boko-Haram-Leute zu heiß gebadet, zu viel Todenhöfer gelesen oder zu oft “Aspekte” gesehen? Fehlt nur noch, dass den kleinen ZDF-Junkies gesagt wird, die Boko-Haram-Gruppe bestehe aus lauter Verzweifelten, deren einzige Hoffnung die Religion sei. Aber das geht nicht, das Argument ist schon verbraucht. Hier

ZDF: Auch Boko Haram hat mit dem Islam nichts zu tun

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