Approaching Yom Kippur

Coffee Shop Rabbi

Yom Kippur begins today at sundown.

Ready or not, it’s here. If you are thinking, „Wait! I didn’t get it all done!“ bear in mind that while the symbolic „Gates of Repentance“ close at sundown on Yom Kippur, the work of teshuvah is really a life-long project. No human being is without flaw, and for the wise, teshuvah is a way of life. 

However you observe the day, use the time wisely. It is truly the holiest day of the Jewish year, and as such, our hearts are especially open now. No matter what you do or do not believe about God, the fact is that for thousands of years, Jews have taken this day to reflect and plan a better path for themselves. It’s a day for taking responsibility and telling the truth to ourselves.

„Telling the truth“ is different from „beating yourself up.“ If you find that you are…

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