Albrecht Schröter and his Jew hating brothers

Tapfer im Nirgendwo

Albrecht Schröter is a „committed evangelical Christian“, German politician, mayor of the city of Jena and he knows who’s responsible for the flow of refugees from Syria: Israel!

In view of the influx of hundreds of thousands of refugees to Germany alone, Albrecht Schröder declared on September 17, 2015, that a major change in German policy was necessary to defuse the conflicts in the Middle East. He stressed:

„Germany needs to change its role in the Middle East conflict. We must disengage from our restraint toward Israel as an occupying power. (…) We need to offer people incentives to remain in their countries. Otherwise, we’ll loose control over a flood of refugees.“

What incentives does Albrecht Schröter mean?

A few years ago, Albrecht Schröter demonstrated along with Sheikh Tayseer Rajab Al-Tamimi against Israel. Al-Tamini is chief Islamic judge of the Palestinian National Authority and head of the „Palestinian Center…

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